Statement by the Supervisory Board in connection with the voluntary tender offer submitted by Handelsbanken on 15 September 2008

|                                                           15. september 2008 |
| OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen                 |                             |
| Nikolaj Plads 6                                |                             |
| DK-1007 Copenhagen K                           |                             |

Company announcement No. 15/2008                                                

Statement by the Supervisory Board in connection with the voluntary tender offer
submitted by Handelsbanken on 15 September 2008                                 

On 15 September 2008, Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) (“Handelsbanken”)         
submitted a voluntary tender offer (the “Tender Offer”) to the shareholders of  
Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s (“Lokalbanken”) to acquire all outstanding shares
in Lokalbanken.                                                                 

In the Tender Offer, the shareholders of Lokalbanken are offered a cash         
consideration of DKK 300 per share of DKK 20 nominal value (the “Offer Price”). 
If Lokalbanken pays dividends or makes other distributions to its shareholders  
prior to the settlement of the Tender Offer, the Offer Price will be reduced by 
the total amount per share of such dividend or the total amount per share of    
such other distribution (DKK for DKK).                                          

The Tender Offer closes on 13 October 2008 at 8:00 pm (Copenhagen time).        

For further details about the terms and conditions, reference is made to        
Handelsbanken's offer document dated 15 September 2008 (the “Offer Document”),  
which will be sent to Lokalbanken's registered shareholders and is available at                                                             

This statement has been prepared by Lokalbanken's Supervisory Board pursuant to 
section 14 of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority's executive order no.  
1228 of 22 October 2007 on takeover bids (the “Executive Order on Takeover      
Bids”) and contains the Supervisory Board's opinion of the Tender Offer and the 
reasons therefore.                                                              
1. Background                                                                   
It appears from the Offer Document that Handelsbanken considers Lokalbanken to  
be complementary to Handelsbanken in key areas. Lokalbanken is strongly         
positioned in North Zealand, where Handelsbanken has a relatively weak market   
position. Lokalbanken has particular expertise in retail banking, while         
Handelsbanken is strongly positioned in the fields of corporate banking and     
asset management.                                                               

As a result of the two banks' complementary operations, the offer of a          
combination is not motivated by cost savings but by the prospects of income     
synergies. Coupled with the fact that Lokalbanken is a well-run bank with highly
qualified employees, this means that Handelsbanken intends, to the greatest     
extent possible, to keep Lokalbanken's operations unchanged, merely adding      
greater strength and more opportunities for customers and employees.            

2. About Handelsbanken                                                          
As described in the Offer Document, Handelsbanken was established in 1871 and is
the oldest company listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Handelsbanken is a   
Nordic universal bank whose home markets are Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden   
and the United Kingdom. The bank has more than 650 branches. Handelsbanken's    
organisation is divided into 11 regional banks, and Handelsbanken Danmark       
currently has 40 branches. In addition, Handelsbanken is represented in all     
major financial centres around the world.                                       

Handelsbanken has a highly decentralised organisation. Each branch operates as  
an autonomous unit, maintaining full responsibility for its own financial       
results, staff budget and marketing activities. The branches serve all          
customers, regardless of size, and can draw on specialist functions at the head 
office as and when required.                                                    

Handelsbanken's overall corporate goal is to generate higher profitability      
(measured as return on equity) than the average for its peer banks in the home  
market. Two fundamental factors that must be present to achieve this goal are   
having 1) more satisfied customers than peer banks and 2) lower costs.          

3. Tender Offer                                                                 
The Tender Offer is inter alia conditional upon:                                

Handelsbanken, as a result of the Tender Offer, through market transactions or  
otherwise, becoming the owner of more than 90% of the share capital and the     
voting rights in Lokalbanken, and                                               

the shareholders of Lokalbanken, at an extraordinary general meeting expected to
be held on 9 October 2008, resolving to repeal the provisions on ownership and  
voting restrictions of the articles of association (articles 3.a and 7 (3 and   
4)) and references hereto in articles 2 (4), 2 (6) and 3 (4).                   

Handelsbanken has obtained permission from the Danish Financial Supervisory     
Authority, in accordance with section 61 (1) of The Danish Financial Business   
Act, to acquire the shares of Lokalbanken.                                      

Handelsbanken intends, if following settlement of the Tender Offer Handelsbanken
has acquired more than 90% of the share capital and the voting rights in        
Lokalbanken, to initiate compulsory redemption of the remaining shares pursuant 
to the rules of the Danish Public Companies Act and in this connection to apply 
to have the shares of Lokalbanken delisted from the OMX Nordic Exchange         

4. Advantages and disadvantages to Lokalbanken's shareholders in connection with
the Tender Offer                                                                
Lokalbanken's Supervisory Board has reviewed and analysed the Tender Offer in   
order to form an opinion of the offer.  In that context, the following          
advantages and disadvantages of the Tender Offer can be highlighted:            

4.1. Advantages                                                                 

At a price of DKK 300 per share of DKK 20 nominal value, the Tender Offer       
represents a premium of 135% relative to the average share price on 12 September
2008, the last trading day before the Tender Offer was announced.               
Consideration is paid in cash, allowing the shareholders to freely dispose of   
their funds.                                                                    

4.2. Disadvantages                                                              

The selling shareholder will not be able to capitalise on a potential increase  
in the Lokalbanken's value after the transaction.                               
The shareholders will no longer be co-owners of the region's local bank.        

5. Other board considerations                                                   
In submitting this statement, Lokalbanken's Supervisory Board has noted:        

that the desire for a combination is not motivated by cost savings but by income
that Handelsbanken to the greatest extent possible intends to build on the      
bank's local presence;                                                          
that Handelsbanken will make every effort to ensure that the acquisition of     
Lokalbanken will not lead to staff or salary reductions;                        
that employees of Lokalbanken will be offered better opportunities for personal 
as well as professional development at Handelsbanken;                           
that none of Lokalbanken's existing branches will be closed in connection with  
the merger;                                                                     
that Lokalbanken's local community involvement will be retained;                
that Handelsbanken intends to delist Lokalbanken from the OMX Nordic Exchange   
that Handelsbanken's Tender Offer is not subject to a further review of the     
bank's data (due diligence);                                                    
that Lokalbanken will lose its independence; and                                
that Lokalbanken's Committee of Shareholders has unanimously recommended the    
Tender offer.                                                                   

Bruno Riis-Nielsen, the CEO of Lokalbanken, will become a member of the         
Executive Board of Handelsbanken Danmark (a branch of Svenska Handelsbanken AB  
(publ)), and his responsibilities will include the integration of the two banks.
Following the combination, the members of Lokalbanken's management team will be 
offered key positions in the combined bank.                                     

Members of Lokalbanken's Supervisory Board will become members of the           
Supervisory Board of Handelsbanken Danmark, and members of Handelsbanken        
Danmark's Supervisory Board will become members of the Supervisory Board of     
Lokalbanken. Handelsbanken's current chairman in Denmark, Håkan Sandberg, will  
become chairman of Lokalbanken's Supervisory Board.                             

Members of Lokalbanken's Committee of Shareholders will be given the opportunity
to join Handelsbanken's banking council for North Zealand.                      

The Supervisory Board's statement in connection with the Tender Offer does not  
preclude others from submitting a tender offer for Lokalbanken's shares         
according to the applicable rules on competing offers. In relation to           
Handelsbanken, the Supervisory Board is free to assess and account for any such 
higher tender offer.                                                            

6. The Supervisory Board's opinion on the Tender Offer                          
Pursuant to section 14 of the Executive Order on Takeover Bids, the Supervisory 
Board must express its opinion on the following components of the Tender Offer, 
and the Supervisory Board's opinion is set out next to each specific component: 
The Supervisory Board's opinion of the Tender Offer:                            
Lokalbanken's Supervisory Board takes a positive view of the fact that          
Lokalbanken can attract a prospective buyer who is prepared to pay a fair       
premium compared with the quoted market price.                                  
The reasons for the Supervisory Board's opinion:                                
The Supervisory Board takes a positive view of the Tender Offer because the     
current and anticipated future financial climate for local banks will make it   
difficult and time-consuming to build a value that equals the price offered.    
The Supervisory Board's opinion of all Lokalbanken's interests, specifically    
employment, and Handelsbanken's strategic plans for Lokalbanken and their likely
consequences for employment and the locations of the places of business as set  
out in the Tender Offer:                                                        
The Tender Offer focuses on the bank's shareholders, clients and employees. The 
buyer has acknowledged that the Tender Offer is based on income synergies, which
means that the employees are offered continued employment and that no branches  
will be closed. Thus, the local representation is retained, involving           
substantial decentralised decision-making powers for the benefit of             
Lokalbanken's customers.                                                        
Overall, the Supervisory Board considers the Tender Offer to be attractive both 
in terms of price and in relation to the bank's development potential and all of
its stakeholders.                                                               
7. Conclusion statement to Lokalbanken's shareholders                           
Based on the above evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of the Tender     
Offer and other matters described in this statement, Lokalbanken's Supervisory  
Board has unanimously resolved to recommend that the shareholders accept the    
Tender Offer.                                                                   

In that context, it is noted that Lokalbanken's Chairman, who personally and    
through a controlled company owns 7,168 shares of DKK 20 nominal value,         
corresponding to 0.27% of the share capital, and Lokalbanken's CEO, who owns    
4,260 shares of DKK 20 nominal value, corresponding to 0.16% of the share       
capital, have irrevocably accepted to sell their respective shareholdings to    
Handelsbanken at the Offer Price immediately after the Tender Offer has been    

Lokalbanken has irrevocably given Handelsbanken the right to buy the company's  
portfolio of treasury shares, corresponding to 174,155 shares of DKK 20 nominal 
value, corresponding to 6.45% of the share capital, at the Offer Price. In order
to exercise in full or in part its right to buy such shares from Lokalbanken,   
Handelsbanken must inform Lokalbanken thereof in writing, and any transfer must 
take place not later than three trading days after such written notice has been 
submitted to Lokalbanken. Furthermore, Lokalbanken has irrevocably accepted not 
to sell its portfolio of treasury shares to any party other than Handelsbanken  
during the offer period and in a period of up to 30 days after the Tender Offer 
has been completed.                                                             

The above undertakings from Lokalbanken and Lokalbanken's CEO and Chairman will 
not lapse in case any competing offers are made during the Offer Period.        

8. Other matters                                                                
Immediately after the Offer Document is announced, Lokalbanken's Supervisory    
Board will announce its opinion on the Tender Offer to representatives of the   
bank's employees in accordance with section 14(3) of the Executive Order on     
Takeover Bids.                                                                  

Lokalbanken will send this statement to all registered shareholders, and the    
statement will also be available at                         

Sincerely yours,                                                                

Lokalbanken I Nordsjælland a/s                                                  

The Supervisory Board of Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s                         

For further information, call:                                                  
Erik Michael Uttenthal                                                          
Tel. +45 2029 1514


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