Is Telepathic Communication Possible? -- New Book Tells the Fascinating Tale of An Orangutan Who Communicates Telepathically With a Retiring Newspaper Reporter

CEDAR CITY, Utah, Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What would you do if an orangutan spoke telepathically to you? Jack Lynch didn't know either. All he ever wanted was to make it through to retirement. Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Little does he know that he is going to find the biggest story of his life... in Reno. Will this story bring him what he desires or will it bring an abrupt end to his career? Find out in The Lab, a fascinating story by John Lomax.

Jack Lynch is a newspaper reporter working for the Reno Gazette. He is near to retiring and plans on going to the Superstition Mountains in Arizona and look for the Lost Dutchman mine. His latest assignment takes him to a lab in Reno, where it is manufacturing a tablet that could stop cocaine addiction. As a reporter, Jack knew there were different angles to every story and he was determined to pursue a unique one. What he didn't expect was to meet George, an orangutan who communicated telepathically to him.

Jack now held the biggest story of his life. But would he dare to tell it? A newsman's credibility was priceless. One wrong move could destroy his long career and end it in shame. What is really the truth? Had George really spoken to him? Or is it a test of his sanity? Unravel the intriguing answers in The Lab!

About the Author

John Lomax, like many generations before him, started out delivering newspapers and moved up to writing. He knew from that point that he'd make newspapers a career. Forty years later, he had been a publisher 4 times. Having had countless dogs, cats, chickens, turtles, rabbits, etc., he has to admit sometimes they're smarter than you give them credit. Sometimes you'll even wonder if they know what you're thinking, but did you ever run into an orangutan? Having worked in newspapers his whole life, John Lomax has seen it all. In fact, the hero of the book, Jack Lynch, is the embodiment of an old man in the editorial department -- more than you know.

                            The Lab * by John Lomax
                       Publication Date: April 29, 2008
             Trade Paperback; $19.99; 220 pages; 978-1-4257-6460-9
             Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 220 pages; 978-1-4257-6473-9

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