Cidron IT completes the mandatory tender offer to the shareholders of EDB Gruppen A/S

On 26 August 2008 Cidron IT A/S (”Cidron IT”), c/o NC Advisory A/S, Sankt Annæ
Plads 11, 1250 København K, made a mandatory tender offer to the shareholders
of EDB Gruppen A/S (”EDB Gruppen”). The offered price was DKK 166 per share
with a nominal value of DKK 20 each. 

Referring to the Danish Securities Act §29 and the Danish Public Companies Act
§28a it is announced that following the completion of the mandatory tender
offer, Cidron IT will own a total of 3,285,409 shares corresponding to
nominally DKK 65,708,180 in EDB Gruppen representing 90.3 % of the total share
capital and voting rights in EDB Gruppen. A redemption of the remaining
shareholders will be performed after which the company will be pursued


uk release.pdf