- SPRON and Kaupthing merger cancelled

It is clear, that after the Financial Supervisory Authority in Iceland
appointed a receivership committee, which assumed the role of the Board of
Directors of Kaupthing bank, that the merger of SPRON and Kaupthing is
cancelled.  It is also clear that circumstances in the financial markets have
changed profoundly and as a consequence SPRON's results will be negatively
impacted. In light of changed circumstances and with the long-terms interests
of the company in mind the company is now being restructered and strengthend. 

SPRON's operations will remain unchanged and employees will continue to do
their utmost to service SPRON's customers as best they can under these
exceptional circumstances in the financial markets.  The Icelandic Government
has reiterated, that all deposits which The Depositors and Investor Guarantee
Fund applies to, are fully guaranteed. 

For further information please contact Jona Ann Petursdottir Head of Public
Relations, tel: +354 5501771.