-- Plan Prudently - Gather your bills and paystubs into separate stacks, or create a computer file that details all monthly expenditures and earnings. Now, simply plan what you're going to pay and when you'll pay it. Review your expenses once a week, and you'll always know where your money is going. -- Save Prodigiously - Saving money is about more than just the rainy day. It's about unexpected car repairs, medical bills, home repairs and clothes for growing kids. Even putting away $10 per week can make a difference. -- Invest Wisely - Take true advantage of your employer-sponsored retirement plans and 401K plans by allowing them to deduct the maximum amount from your paychecks. -- Manage Risk - The biggest risk for most people is the loss of your job, forfeiting your regular income. You can hedge that risk by keeping your job skills current and taking on a disability insurance policy.Snider believes that if more people ran their household finances like a company, they would run smoother, more efficiently and with fewer crises. About Kim Snider Kim is the Founder and President of Snider Advisors, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Her firm manages approximately $100 million directly for clients, and advises on an additional $400+* million managed by her extended family of Snider Investment Method® Workshop alumni. www.kimsnider.com * as of September 2008 To interview Kim Snider or for a copy of "How To Be The Family CFO: 4 Simple Steps to Put Your Financial House in Order," contact Rachel Friedman at 727-443-7115, ext. 206 or e-mail rachel@newsandexperts.com. Please include your name, publication, and mailing address with your request.
Contact Information: Contact: Rachel Friedman 727-443-7115, ext. 206 rachel@newsandexperts.com