SmallCap Sentinel: The Breakthrough Deal

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 11, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- There are deals and there are breakthrough deals. The latter occurs far less frequently and generally only when the agreement has the potential to lead to other corporate achievements. An announcement by energy beverage maker Who's Your Daddy, Inc. (OTCBB:WYDI) released yesterday may indeed qualify as the proverbial breakthrough deal.

On the heels of some recent sales achievements, Who's Your Daddy dropped a bombshell on their shareholders Tuesday, reporting that it has signed a marketing and representation agreement with Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment (LSSE). For those revolving outside the sports arena, Steinberg is one of the premiere sports and entertainment agencies with a client list that reads like a Who's Who of the celebrity realm. Who's Your Daddy's association with Steinberg and his willingness to take the emerging public company on is indeed a positive sign for shareholders.

More importantly, the agreement could be a portal to a bounty of new marketing opportunities for Who's Your Daddy. In the release, CEO Michael Dunn declared that the company "will tap LSSE's vast network of client companies and athletes for marketing, promotion, sponsorship and other exposure-increasing opportunities that will greatly broaden the reach and visibility of the product and significantly increase sales and revenues."

Who's Your Daddy already has a cool, sticky brand name that they effectively leverage. Top-notch marketing opportunities will only further the penetration giving them a better shot at greatly enhanced sales in the rapidly growing $6 billion world energy drink market. If that penetration comes as a result of the Steinberg agreement, Who's Your Daddy shareholders might well have just witnessed the company's breakthrough deal.

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