SmallCap Sentinel: The Mark of Credibility

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 18, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As a company embarks on a journey to create market share and resulting revenue, adding the pedigree of an esteemed member of the business community is inarguably beneficial. First, the company immediately enjoys the credibility of having someone steeped and knowledgeable joining the team, sending a signal to competitors and prospects that a person in-the-know sees the deal as viable and that proven leadership is at the helm. But there is also this individual's proverbial Rolodex of contacts that becomes a core asset to the company.

A perfect example of this type of move is the appointment of Joseph Vittoria as Chairman of the Board of DoMark International, Inc. (OTCBB:DOMK). Vittoria, in addition to his considerable expertise in start-ups, served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Avis, Inc. While at Avis, he was credited with creating the Avis Employee Stock Ownership Trust, the largest at that time and long considered a model for companies and governments evaluating employee-ownership programs. Mr. Vittoria is expected to begin his chairmanship during the first quarter of 2009.

The addition of Vittoria, whose diversified background parallels DoMark's multi-channel revenue aspirations, would seem a solid fit. DoMark International, Inc. is engaged in researching and acquiring publicly-traded entities, and private firms which are operating businesses, in the five specific business sectors of Technology, Business Services, Sports & Entertainment, Medicine and Alternative Energy. The company deploys its assets of media, capital, governance, risk & compliance and business services to assist its subsidiaries in executing their business plans.

The numerous opportunities and potential that exist under the umbrella of diversified holding companies have long been known, with rewards and risk oft-discussed within the financial community. Some have called investing in a firm like DoMark akin to holding a fistful of lottery tickets. Perhaps so, and adding a veteran like Vittoria to the roster certainly seems to improve the odds for the player.

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