The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AS Kalev held on 26th February 2009 represented 85.43% of the company's share capital. The general meeting thus had a quorum. The following resolutions were adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders: 1. Alteration of AS Kalev company name Resolution: Change AS Kalev company name and approve new company name public limited company Luterma. 2. Approval of the new phrasing of the Articles of Association Resolution: To rephrase Clause 1.1 of the Articles of Association of AS Kalev as follows: “Public limited company (thereafter Company) company name is public limited company Luterma” and approve the new phrasing of the Articles of Association. Allan Viirma Head of Legal Service Telephone 688 6600
Resolutions adopted by the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Alteration of company name
| Quelle: Luterma