The Board of JSC Klaipėda Stevedoring Company (legal form: a joint-stock company, registered address: Zauerveino g. 18, LT-92122, Klaipėda; the Company registered at Klaipėda Municipal Authority on 3 May 1995, registration No. AB 95-119, the Company re-registered on 14.12.2004 in the Register of Legal Entities, Company register code: 140346267, registered authorized capital 126,704,290 (one hundred and twenty-six million seven hundred and four thousand two hundred and ninety Litas, hereinafter referred to as the Issuer, acting in pursuance of Part 5 of Article 38 of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania, hereby gives a notice on the matter to be considered on 24.04.2009 regarding striking of the Issuer‘s shares off the additional trading list of Stock Exchange NASDAQ OMX Vilnius: 1) information on the planned announcement of the mandatory official offer - if and when the general shareholders' meeting of the Issuer to be held on 24.04.2009 makes a decision by not less than 3/4 of the total votes granted by the shares attending the meeting to strike the Issuer's shares off the additional trading list of Stock Exchange NASDAQ OMX Vilnius, the shareholders who have voted for the decision will make the mandatory official offer. During the validity period of the mandatory official offer, the right to sell their shares will be granted to those shareholders who voted „against“ or abstained from voting when the decision regarding striking the Issuer's shares off the additional trading list of Stock Exchange NASDAQ OMX Vilnius was being made. 2) The reasons for striking the shares off the additional trading list of Stock Exchange NASDAQ OMX Vilnius - a small number of shares circulating in the Stock Exchange. 3) The measures taken by the managing bodies of the Issuer in order to protect the rights and interests of the shareholders - the Issuer will take all and any measures in order to make all necessary facilities and information accessible to the owners of the shares issued by the Issuer so that the shareholders could make use of their rights during the validity period of the official offer. Acting in accordance with the procedure stipulated by legal acts, the issuer will announce information on the procedure for the implementation of the official offer in the daily Lietuvos žinios as stated in the Articles of Association of the Issuer. 4) The planned changes in the composition and activities of the managing bodies of the Issuer - no changes in activities are planned; changes in the member composition of the managing bodies are possible. 5) The price offered for the shares and the method of its setting - the price of the official offer (the price offered for the shares) is 11 Lt (eleven Litas), i.e. the average weighted market price for the Issuer‘s shares during the 6 month preceding the date of this notice (the period from 17.09.2008 to 17.03.2009). G.Veitiene PA to President +370-46-399175
Notice about intention of delisting company‘s shares from the secondary list of stock exchange of Nasdaq OMX Vilnius
| Quelle: Klaipedos Juru Kroviniu Kompanija AB