Contact Information: Contact: Jonathan Huneke USCIB 212.703.5043 (office)
Business, Anti-Poverty and Faith-Based Groups Unite in Support of Open Markets
| Quelle: USCIB
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - March 20, 2009) - Faced with rising signs of the damage the
global economic crisis is causing in poorer nations, the United States
Council for International Business (USCIB), which represents America's top
global companies, and other business groups joined with the anti-poverty
and faith-based communities in appealing for U.S. leadership to maintain
open markets and keep millions in the developing world from falling back
into poverty.
In a joint letter to President Obama and the House and Senate leadership
(, the
groups wrote: "The economic welfare of Americans is inextricably linked
with the well-being of men, women, and children across the globe. It is
essential, therefore, that the United States reject those policies that
will worsen the impact of the current economic crisis on global economic
growth and development, particularly with respect to poor nations, and work
instead alongside the people of these nations to further their own
sustainable development. By doing so, we ultimately secure our own
economic future."
The letter cited worrisome evidence of the damage the crisis is having on
developing countries, with recent reports from the IMF, World Bank and
World Trade Organization all pointing to the urgency of the situation. The
groups urged the Obama administration and Congress to reaffirm at April's
G20 Summit in London the earlier commitment by G20 nations to reject
destructive protectionism. They also called upon the United States to
strive for a successful conclusion of the WTO's Doha Round that opens major
markets for both developed and developing countries, review and reform U.S.
trade-preference programs to give special attention to uniquely vulnerable
countries, and reinforce the commitment to increase development assistance.
Groups joining USCIB in signing the appeal included the National Foreign
Trade Council, Business Roundtable, Center for Global Development,
Emergency Committee for American Trade, the Episcopal Church, ONE, Oxfam
America, Progressive Policy Institute, United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops and World Vision.
USCIB promotes open markets, competitiveness and innovation, sustainable
development and corporate responsibility, supported by international
engagement and prudent regulation. With a unique global network
encompassing leading international business organizations, USCIB provides
business views to policy makers and regulatory authorities worldwide, and
works to facilitate international trade and investment. More information
is available at