Chino Commercial Bancorp Reports 187% Increase in First Quarter Earnings

CHINO, Calif., April 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of Chino Commercial Bancorp (OTCBB:CCBC), the parent company of Chino Commercial Bank, N.A., announced the results of operations for the Bank and the consolidated holding company for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009 with net earnings of $119,269, a 159.7% increase from $45,936 for the fourth quarter of 2008, and a 187.6% increase from net income of $41,471 for the first quarter of last year. Net income per basic share for the first quarter was $0.17 as compared to $0.07 per share for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2008, and $0.06 for the first quarter last year.

Dann H. Bowman, President and Chief Executive Officer stated, "We are very pleased with the strong financial performance of the Bank during the first quarter. Not only are earnings up substantially, but credit quality remains very good, with the Bank reporting no loan delinquency for the quarter-end. During this time when many banks have to cut back on lending, we have significant capacity to continue making loans and support our customers. Though the economy is slowing, we see great potential in the small businesses and professionals we serve, and look forward to a very good year."

Financial Condition

At March 31, 2009, total assets were $88.9 million, an increase of $5.5 million or 6.6% from December 31, 2008, and an increase of $16.7 million or 23.1% from March 31, 2008. This is a direct result of the growth of the Bank's deposits.

Total deposits increased by 10.8% to $78.6 million at March 31, 2009, an increase from $71.0 million at December 31, 2008. Total deposits increased 25.5% from March 31, 2008's balance of $62.7 million. At March 31, 2009, the Company's core deposits represent 88.5% of the total deposits.

Loans decreased $732,503 during the first quarter from December 31, 2008 with a balance at March 31, 2009 of $48.0 million. Comparing the balances of March 31, 2008, the Company's loans decreased $4.2 million or 8.0% during the twelve month period. The decline was primarily in real estate secured lending.


The Company posted net interest income of $822,299 for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 as compared to $884,585 the quarter ended March 31, 2008, due to decreased average balances in loans and increased average balances in interest-bearing deposits. Average interest- earning assets were $75.0 million with average interest-bearing liabilities of $44.4 million yielding a net interest margin of 4.45% for the first quarter of 2009 as compared to the average interest-earning assets of $67.2 million with average interest-bearing liabilities of $32.6 million yielding a net interest margin of 5.29% for the first quarter of 2008.

Non-interest income totaled $247,452 for the first quarter of 2009, or a decrease of 6.4% from $264,387 earned during the first quarter of 2008. Service charges on deposit accounts decreased 8.4% to $212,961 due to decreased overdraft and return item charges.

The provision for loan losses decreased $218,480 to $16,151 or 93.1% in the first quarter of 2009, compared to $234,631 in the first quarter of 2008.

General and administrative expenses were $870,574 for the three months ended March 31, 2009 as compared to $862,748 for the first quarter of 2008. The largest component of general and administrative expenses was salary and benefits expense of $488,695 for the first quarter of 2009 as compared to $477,792 for the three months ended March 31, 2008. Advertising and marketing expenses decreased by $11,955 or 43.0% for the comparable three-month period. Other expenses increased by $18,355 for the comparable three-month period due to expenses of other real estate in 2009 that did not exist in 2008.

Income tax expense was $63,757 for the three months ended March 31, 2009 as compared to $10,122 for the three months ended March 31, 2008. The effective income tax rate for 2009 and 2008 is approximately 39%.

Forward-Looking Statements

The statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on management's current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effects on the Company. Readers are cautioned not to unduly rely on forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ from those projected. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including but not limited to the health of the national and California economies, the Company's ability to attract and retain skilled employees, customers' service expectations, the Company's ability to successfully deploy new technology and gain efficiencies there from, changes in interest rates, loan portfolio performance, and other factors detailed in the Company's SEC filings.

                        CHINO COMMERCIAL BANCORP
                       CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                   March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008

                                  March 31, 2009    December 31, 2008
                                  --------------    -----------------
                                   (unaudited)          (audited)
 Cash and due from banks           $  5,519,296        $  3,877,897
 Federal funds sold                           0                   0
                                  --------------      --------------
     Cash and cash equivalents        5,519,296           3,877,897

 Interest-bearing deposits in 
  other banks                        17,460,729          12,498,000

 Investment securities 
  available for sale                  8,621,663           8,791,651
 Investment securities held to
  maturity (fair value 
  approximates $3,059,000 at 
  March 31, 2009 and 
  $3,186,000 at December 31, 
  2008)                               3,012,332           3,167,401
                                  --------------      --------------
     Total investments               29,094,724          24,457,052
                                  --------------      --------------
  Construction                                0             820,888
  Real estate                        39,500,274          37,794,240
  Commercial                          8,933,130          10,607,103
  Installment                           600,261             543,937
                                  --------------      --------------
   Gross loans                       49,033,665          49,766,168
  Unearned fees and discounts           (68,482)            (77,542)
                                  --------------      --------------
   Loans net of unearned fees 
    and discount                     48,965,183          49,688,626
  Allowance for loan losses            (718,762)           (702,409)
                                  --------------      --------------
      Net loans                      48,246,421          48,986,217
                                  --------------      --------------

 Accrued interest receivable            346,829             313,428
 Restricted stock                       677,650             677,650
 Fixed assets, net                    1,941,203           1,980,476
 Other real estate                      588,207             653,131
 Prepaid & other assets               2,441,550           2,447,295
                                  --------------      --------------
     Total assets                  $ 88,855,880        $ 83,393,146
                                  ==============      ==============

  Non-interest bearing             $ 35,170,219        $ 32,600,750
  Interest Bearing
   NOW and money market              29,201,760          28,434,407
   Savings                              969,802           1,064,668
   Time deposits less than 
    $100,000                          4,233,354           3,842,310
   Time deposits of $100,000 
    or greater                        9,065,348           5,055,617
                                  --------------      --------------
     Total deposits                  78,640,483          70,997,752
                                  --------------      --------------
 Accrued interest payable                93,715              56,061
 Borrowings from Federal Home 
  Loan Bank                                   0           2,400,000
 Accrued expenses & other 
  payables                              769,459             665,580
 Subordinated debentures              3,093,000           3,093,000
                                  --------------      --------------
     Total liabilities               82,596,657          77,212,393
                                  --------------      --------------
   Common stock, authorized 
    10,000,000 shares with no 
    par value, issued and 
    outstanding 703,065 shares 
    and 704,278 shares at 
    March 31, 2009 and 
    December 31, 2008, 
    respectively.                     2,559,146           2,617,542
   Retained earnings                  3,653,505           3,534,236
   Accumulated other 
    comprehensive loss                   46,572              28,975
                                  --------------      --------------
     Total equity                     6,259,223           6,180,753
                                  --------------      --------------
       Total liabilities & 
        stockholders' equity       $ 88,855,880        $ 83,393,146
                                  ==============      ==============

             The accompanying notes are an integral part
              of these consolidated financial statements

                       CHINO COMMERCIAL BANCORP

                                      For the quarter ended March 31,
                                          2009               2008
                                      ------------       ------------
 Interest income
  Investment securities and due from 
   banks                               $  217,282         $  125,801
  Interest on Federal funds sold               34             24,991
  Interest and fee income on loans        891,357            984,455
                                      ------------       ------------
     Total interest income              1,108,673          1,135,247
                                      ------------       ------------
 Interest expense
  Deposits                                235,008            199,615
  Interest on Federal funds purchased         113                 84
  Interest on FHLB borrowings                 290                  0
  Other borrowings                         50,963             50,963
                                      ------------       ------------
     Total interest expense               286,374            250,662
                                      ------------       ------------
      Net interest income                 822,299            884,585
                                      ------------       ------------
 Provision for loan losses                 16,151            234,631
                                      ------------       ------------
     Net interest income after
      provision for loan losses           806,148            649,954
                                      ------------       ------------
 Non-interest income
  Service charges on deposit accounts     212,961            232,558
  Other miscellaneous fee income            9,601              8,473
  Dividend income from restricted 
   stock                                    8,160              8,244
  Income from bank owned life 
   insurance                               16,730             15,112
                                      ------------       ------------
     Total non-interest income            247,452            264,387
                                      ------------       ------------
 General and administrative expenses
  Salaries and employee benefits          488,695            477,792
  Occupancy and equipment                  77,612             83,781
  Data and item processing                 73,481             82,676
  Advertising and marketing                15,874             27,829
  Legal and professional fees              45,065             45,312
  Regulatory Assessments                   28,028             20,481
  Insurance                                 7,784              8,228
  Directors' fees and expenses             18,207             19,176
  Other expenses                          115,828             97,473
                                      ------------       ------------
     Total general & administrative 
      expenses                            870,574            862,748
                                      ------------       ------------
 Income before income tax expense         183,026             51,593
 Income tax expense                        63,757             10,122
                                      ------------       ------------
     Net income                        $  119,269         $   41,471
                                      ============       ============
 Basic earnings per share              $     0.17         $     0.06
                                      ============       ============
 Diluted earnings per share            $     0.16         $     0.05
                                      ============       ============

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
          of these consolidated financial statements

