DnB NOR is establishing a new business area in Norway for retail customers and large parts of the corporate market segment in Norwegian regions. Karin Bing Orgland has been appointed group executive vice president and head of the new business area. Karin Bing Orgland (49) leaves her position as head of Regional Division East in Corporate Banking and Payment Services (CBP) in DnB NOR. She has extensive experience from a number of specialist and managerial positions in product and customer units in the Group. The new business area will be operative from 1 July 2009. Group chief executive Rune Bjerke emphasises that Karin Bing Orgland has been a central figure in the planning of the new business area. "Given her long experience and wide range of expertise, she is tailor-made for the task. Karin Bing Orgland is a natural choice now that we are changing our Norwegian organisation so that we can present our customers with a more homogeneous and integrated DnB NOR," says Bjerke. Karin Bing Orgland has studied at the University of Pittsburgh in the USA and has a business degree from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen. She owns 2 000 shares in DnB NOR. Group executive vice president Leif Teksum will continue to head DnB NOR's large corporate operations, comprising Shipping, Offshore and Logistics, Nordic Corporate, International Corporate and Institutions and the bank's international operations.
Karin Bing Orgland new group executive vice president in DnB NOR
| Quelle: DnB NOR Bank ASA