Merger of Tere AS and OÜ Põlva Piim Tootmine

Harju county court register department made an entry of merger on Tere AS
registry card on basis of Tere AS and OÜ Põlva Piim Tootmine merger on
conclusion of merger agreement on 14 Apr 2009. The company being acquired OÜ
Põlva Piim Tootmine shall be considered wound-up upon entry to Tere AS
commercial registry. 

The members of the management board and supervisory board of Tere AS did not
change due to merger - Tere AS members of the management board are Ülo Kivine
and Taavi Toots and members of the supervisory board are Aivar Häelm, Marko
Kaha, Oliver Kruuda and Allan Viirma. Amount of the share capital of Tere AS
did not change; it is 80 million kroons (5,113 million Euros). 

AS Luterma subsidiary Tere AS and its subsidiary OÜ Põlva Piim Tootmine entered
into a merger agreement on 14.04.2009 in which the merger between the parties
was agreed so that Tere AS (the acquiring company) would merge with OÜ Põlva
Piim Tootmine (the company being acquired). 

(Look also AS Luterma announcement 16.04.2009 “Conclusion of merger agreement”)

Allan Viirma
Head of Legal Services
688 6600