Reporting of transactions by management and related parties in Maconomy shares and associated securities

OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen
Announcement no. 20/2009

Reporting of transactions by management and related parties in Maconomy shares
and associated securities 

Copenhagen, 14 September 2009. According to section 28a of the Danish
Securities Trading Act, Maconomy A/S has an obligation to report information
about transactions by management and related parties in Maconomy shares and
associated securities. 
Pursuant to a share transaction report from the insider shareholder stated
below, we hereby report the following: 

| Name       | Reason     | Nature of    | Trading   | Number of  | Market     |
|            |            | transaction  | date      | shares     | price, DKK |
| John       | Board      | Purchase of  | September |   10,000   |  56,000    |
| Andersen   | member     | shares       | 14, 2009  |            |            |
The transaction took place at NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, where shares of Maconomy
A/S are listed with the securities ID code DK0010274174. 

Jan Muurmand
Finance director

Further information:
Jan Muurmand, Finance Director					
Tel: +45 35 27 79 00

This announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. The Danish version
is to be considered the original version for official purposes and in case of
any discrepancies between the two versions the Danish version shall prevail.

