The draft resolutions of the ALITA AB Group of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 29 September 2009: 1. To approve the conditions of the spin-off (Annex 1). Based on the provisions of Article 71 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania and the spin-off conditions to effect the spin-off of the ALITA AB Group (which will subsequently commence its operations) from AB ALITA (which will subsequently continue its operations) and to afford application for the Alita AB Group shares involvement to the Secondary List of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius. 2. To approve the Articles of Association (Annex 3) of the ALITA AB Group that will commence its operations after the spin-off. 2.1 To authorise Vytautas Junevičius to sign the Articles of Association of the ALITA AB Group. 2.2. To mandate authorised persons Roma Dermeikiene and (or) Julija Slavko and (or) Ingai Butkutei and (or) Irma Mikailionyte to register the Articles of Association as required by the provisions of legislative acts and to perform any other pertaining actions. 3. To elect to the board of the ALITA AB Group that will commence its operations after the spin-off the following persons for a 4-year time of office: Vytautas Junevičius, Vilmantas Pečiūra, Arvydas Jonas Stankevičius, Darius Vėželis. 4. To approve conclusion of an agreement between AB ALITA, Swedbank AB and the ALITA AB Group regarding amendment of the 29 June 2006 Credit Line Agreement No. 06-046799-KL signed by AB ALITA and Swedbank AB (the former name AB bankas Hansabankas) (with the subsequent amendments and supplements as the case may be) (the Credit Line Agreement), in order to: (i) document an accession of the newly-formed ALITA AB Group to the Credit Line Agreement as a co-debtor (an additional borrower under the Credit Line Agreement) of AB ALITA jointly and severally liable for an appropriate discharge of obligations under the Credit Line Agreement, and (ii) detail the scope of obligations to be discharged by AB ALITA and the ALITA AB Group under the Credit Line Agreement. In view of the conclusion of an amendment to the Credit Line Agreement to issue a surety to Swedbank AB thus securing due performance of the obligations of AB ALITA arising from the Credit Line Agreement and detailed in the agreement regarding amendment of the Credit Line Agreement. Such agreement regarding amendment of the Credit Line Agreement shall come into force after a spin-off of AB ALITA following the execution by ALITA AB Group and AB ALITA of the Rights and Obligations Assignment Act in accordance with the procedure established in the spin-off conditions. The Rights and Obligations Assignment Act shall be executed within 2 (two) business days of the moment when the ALITA AB Group is issued with a licence to engage in production of alcohol products, including alcoholic beverages. To authorise Vytautas Junevičius to conclude and sign on behalf of the ALITA AB Group the above-mentioned agreement regarding the amendment of the Credit Line Agreement by the date of registration of the ALITA AB Group with the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania and to take all and any other necessary actions relating to an appropriate implementation of this authorisation. 5. Ellect of an independent member of the Audit Committee Ona Katlauskiene. 5.1. Approve the Audit Committee from three members: Ona Katlauskiene, Jolanta Setkauskiene, Rima Ambraziejiene. 5.2 . Approve the operational rules (Annex 4) and establishment of payment terms of the Audit Committee (Annex 5). 6. Elect JSC ‘'KPMG Baltic” a Company Auditor for 2009-2010 financial years and to determinate the remuneration LTL 15.0 thous. (EUR 4.3 thous.) and VAT for one financial year. 7. Authorized to provide information: Vytautas Junevicius, Director General, +370 315 57243 Vytautas Junevicius, Director General
CORRECTION: AB ALITA annoucing the draft resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the new establish ALITA AB Group
| Quelle: ALT investicijos AB