Lambi thinks pink


Lambi joins the fight against breast cancer by participating in the Pink Ribbon

Lambi joins the fight against breast cancer by participating in the Pink Ribbon
campaign, now for the fourth time. Pink Ribbon is an international drive to
raise awareness and collect funds for breast cancer research. 

Lambi's own line of Pink Ribbon products will comprise toilet paper and
handkerchiefs, bearing the iconic pink ribbon. The campaign products - all
awarded with the Nordic Swan ecolabel - will be available from well-stocked
retailers through October in the Nordic countries and Estonia, and part of the
proceeds from sales will go towards breast cancer research. 

Deepening its involvement in the campaign this year, Lambi is organizing a
charity treasure hunt in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm. The Pink Ribbon treasure
hunt is being organized in collaboration with country-specific radio stations,
which will give clues for the treasure hunt on their talk shows. 

“Contestants have three hours to interpret clues and find toy lambs hidden at
several locations around the three cities. In Helsinki, where the event will
take place on October 3rd, the winners will be awarded a 1000 euro gift voucher
for a luxury spa treatment, and tickets to Pink's sold-out Helsinki concert
will be raffled among the runners-up. The event was a great success in
Stockholm, so we naturally have high expectations for Helsinki and Oslo, too,”
says Regional Marketing Manager Thomas Lindström. All proceeds from the event
will go directly towards breast cancer research and prevention. 

“We believe that together we can do even more to support the Pink Ribbon
campaign and breast cancer research. Everyone can join in and do their bit for
this important cause while having fun, simply by participating,” comments
Lambi's Brand Director Anna Jenkins