Metro International appoints new Global Editor-in-Chief and Global Director of Logistics

Metro International  ("Metro" or  "the Group"),  the world's  largest
international newspaper, today  announced that it  has appointed  Ms.
Maggie Samways to  Global Editor-in-Chief  and Mr.  Jeremy Bryant  to
Global Director of Logistics.

Maggie Samways commenced working  for Metro in  the United States  in
2003. From 2006  she served  as Editor-in-Chief for  Metro US.  Since
last year she has managed the central editorial desk in London  where
she has  played an  instrumental role  in the  implementation of  the
Group's new editorial design and development of the Group's  internal
content provider, Metro World News.

Jeremy Bryant has  been with Metro  since 2002 and  has held  various
roles within the distribution function.  He has been involved in  the
launch of a number of  Metro's all over the  world. In the past  five
years, he has  been responsible  for executing  and implementing  new
printing and distribution channels throughout  the Group, as well  as
collaborating on marketing strategies for  Metro. Mr. Bryant has  had
an influential role in development of the Group's unique distribution

Per  Mikael  Jensen,  President   and  CEO  of  Metro   International
commented: "I am  truly excited and  happy to announce  that we  once
again have benefited from the pool  of talent in our operations.  Ms.
Samways and Mr. Bryant have been working for several years for  Metro
and have shown  great talent and  loyalty towards the  company. I  am
wishing them both success in their new capacities."

Ms. Samways and Mr. Bryant will become part of the Group's management

For further information please contact:

Per Mikael Jensen, CEO and President        +44 (0)78 4167 3230
Anders Kronborg, CFO                        +44 (0)79 1254 0800


Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world.  Metro  is
published in over  100 major  cities in  19 countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young, active, well-educated Metropolitan audience of 17
million daily readers.

Metro International S.A.  shares are listed  on Nasdaq OMX  Stockholm
through Swedish Depository Receipts  of series A  and series B  under
the symbols MTROA and MTROB.


Press release PDF.pdf