Canyon Acres Announces 10-Year Anniversary Celebration for President Clete Menke

Open House to Take Place November 10 at New Agency Headquarters

ORANGE, Calif., Nov. 5, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canyon Acres Children and Family Services, a Southern California charity organization committed to providing homes, care, treatment and supportive services for abused, neglected and emotionally troubled children and their families, today congratulated Clete Menke on 10 years as the agency's President. Canyon Acres will honor Menke on November 10 as part of its open house at its new headquarters in the city of Orange.

Menke's decade of leadership has brought Canyon Acres well past a number of important milestones. Most notably, the agency went from providing three programs for about 50 children to 10 programs that serve more than 250 children each day. The size of the board of directors has doubled, now including many prominent members of the community, and the agency has intensified its work with local child welfare officials to implement many new and effective programs.

Other important hurdles include the launch of a licensed adoption agency and the cutting-edge Creating Family Connections (CFC) program. Adoption services give children hope for finding a real Forever Family. CFC searches for and engages long-lost family members of children who have been in the child welfare system for many years.

The full impact of Menke's leadership has resulted in an overall higher profile for the agency in Orange County and beyond. He is credited with guiding Canyon Acres through a successful merger with Family Solutions, Inc., providing seamless, quality care for children and families of both agencies after Family Solutions closed. He also helped Canyon Acres successfully complete its 25th Anniversary Campaign, working closely with board and community volunteers to drive record fundraising.

"It's impossible to overstate the value of Clete's tenure with Canyon Acres," said Harry Winters, Chairman of Canyon Acres' board. "Clete is a courageous, effective, hands-on leader who has inspired our children, staff, community and board alike. He has ushered us through sweeping change with aplomb and has created a staggering amount of momentum for our continued success. The board of directors congratulates Clete on a job exceedingly well done and looks forward to his continued leadership."

"Working alongside Canyon Acres' staff and volunteers in the interest of our children has always been a great honor," said Menke. "The changes I've witnessed in the last 10 years are testimony to the strength of our organization and to the kindness and generosity of our community. I look forward to helping the agency further deliver on its mission to provide hope, care and love to the children who need it most."

The open house will take place November 10 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Canyon Acres' new headquarters: 1845 W. Orangewood Ave., Ste. 300, Orange, CA 92868. The agency will formally thank Clete at 6:00 pm. To RSVP or for more information, please call (714) 383-9335.


Canyon Acres Children and Family Services has been serving children throughout Southern California since 1980, providing the highest level of care and therapeutic treatment to children who suffer from a variety of emotional and psychological disorders. Canyon Acres gives children nurturing, treatment, and opportunities that they need to grow up in safe, loving, and stable families. For more information about Canyon Acres Children and Family Services, contact Bock Communications at + 1-714-540-1030 or or visit the Canyon Acres Children and Family Services web site at

