The Court of Appeal in Sweden dismisses Metro International's appeal regarding advertising tax

Metro International S.A.  ("Metro International"), the  international
newspaper group,  today  announced that  the  Swedish  Administrative
Court of Appeal (Swedish: "Kammarrätten")  has in a ruling  dismissed
Metro International's appeal against a former ruling from the  County
Administrative  Court  (Swedish:  "Länsrätten").  The  case  concerns
additional  advertising   tax  which   has  been   levied  on   Metro
International's publishing  entity  in  Sweden,  Tidnings  AB  Metro,
following a  decision by  the Swedish  Tax Authorities  in 2007.  The
additional advertising tax  amounts to approximately  SEK 90  million
including interest. This amount has  already been fully provided  for
in Metro International's accounts for 2007. Metro International  will
appeal against  the judgement  to  the Supreme  Administrative  Court
(Swedish: "Regeringsrätten") and will also apply for a respite of the

Earlier this year  Metro International  made a  re-funding through  a
combination of debentures  and warrants  of SEK 550  million. In  the
event Metro International  will be  forced to repay  the Swedish  Tax
Authorities  regardless  of   the  appeal,   this  funding   provides
sufficient cash in order to meet any obligations that have arisen  as
a result of this ruling by the Administrative Court of Appeal.

For further information please contact:

Anders Kronborg, CFO

tel: +44 (0)79 1254 0800


Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world.  Metro  is
published in over  100 major  cities in  19 countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young, active, well-educated Metropolitan audience of 17
million daily readers.

Metro International S.A.  shares are listed  on Nasdaq OMX  Stockholm
through Swedish Depository Receipts  of series A  and series B  under
the symbols MTROA and MTROB


Press release PDF.pdf