Finding a Niche

LAS VEGAS, Nov. 23, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The software sector is dominated by Goliath-like names that nearly every investor is familiar with. Microsoft, Oracle, and a few other players rule the proverbial roost in the software world when it comes to sales, profits and investor affection. To be sure, the software business is split into kingdoms. Microsoft dominates software applications for personal computers while Oracle is an enormous provider of enterprise software. This certainly curtails room for competitors, but if a smaller player can focus on the right niche, it just might find its way to prime-time billing in an industry.

Optical Systems Inc. (Pink Sheets:OPSY) appears to have found its niche in the automotive industry and recent news affirms some traction. Texas-based Optical Systems makes customer relationship management (CRM) software for auto dealers. The company recently launched the latest version of its flagship product, Save-a-Deal 2010, which helps car dealers increase their profitability. At its core, Save-a-Deal helps dealers sell more cars while boosting per vehicle profits -- all while reducing dealer costs. In other words, in what is one of the most margin-sensitive businesses around, many car dealers could potentially benefit from deploying software from Optical Systems.

There is one certainty about the car business and it is that dealers have to sell cars regardless of the economic climate. Compare that to traditional software where businesses and retail consumers often cut back on new technology purchases when the economy is weak and Optical Systems has that advantage compared to its larger software peers. Optical Systems' laser-like focus on car dealers works to the company's advantage and in turn, to the benefit of Optical System's pursuit of its own niche.

A profile featuring OPSY and of interest to investors of automotive companies Honda Motor Company (NYSE:HMC), Toyota (NYSE:TM), Ford Motor Co. (NYSE:F), and Daimler AG (NYSE:DAI) is available at

Locate every blog, news item, message board and more for any automotive company at financial search engine

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