This January, Yidio Expects Seven Million People to Watch TV Online; 75 Percent Rise in Viewers Versus October 2009

SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwire - January 14, 2010) - Since October 2009, the popularity of Yidio, which is fast becoming the destination for discovering, sharing and viewing TV and movies online, has seen a dramatic rise as measured by unique visitors and page views. On January 31, Yidio projects that its online TV discovery engine will have attracted seven million unique visitors for the month, which will be a 75 percent uptick from that same measure 90 days prior(1). During January, the company also expects 50 million page views, another statistic the company regularly tracks to gauge online activity at

Yidio is equal parts discovery engine, content aggregator and social network, linking viewers to TV and movies, no matter where the content is located online.

"When I first got rid of my satellite and cable TV services, I found myself turning to Yidio more and more to watch my favorite TV shows until, finally, it was the only way for me to watch TV online," said Sherry D., a Yidio member. "Yidio offered me a flexibility I couldn't find anywhere else on the internet. I can use Yidio to look at what's on TV any day of the week, go directly to a specific show through Yidio's episode guides, buy a favorite episode, or simply watch it on the website of the network it originally aired on!

"There are so many options to explore at Yidio, even beyond the TV and movie-watching," added Sherry. "I've made friends in Australia, England, Italy and a number of other places around the world. And if communicating on Yidio's website isn't enough, the site also offers you a way to tell people on Twitter and Facebook what you're finding and watching at Yidio."

"There's an incredible opportunity to provide viewers with a way to not only find and watch their favorite TV shows and movies, but also share that experience with their friends and family wherever they are," said Brandon Eatros, co-founder and CEO of Yidio. "We've built a platform that serves up the content our viewers want to discover, in seconds."

Yidio's success stems from the fact that the site gives viewers a personalized, online entertainment center that does two things. First, Yidio organizes the fragmented marketplace of content spread across hundreds of providers. And second, the site helps viewers zero in on when and where they can watch their favorite TV shows. Yidio is also a place where anyone can easily use Yidio's technology to connect with other viewers to discover new content.

Site Features

--  Discovery Engine - recommends content based on your interactions on
    Yidio. The more you "Like," "Favorite," and "Discuss" your favorite shows,
    the more accurate the recommendations become.
--  Episode Guides - provides Yidio users with instant access to all
    available content providers with one click. The guides include sorting
    options to search for shows by specific networks and a personalized TV
    schedule based on a user's favorite shows.
--  Social Entertainment Network - sparks communication in real-time
    between Yidio users who can instantly share their viewing activity across
    Facebook and Twitter with all of their friends; offers users a way to
    exchange threaded comments for easy views and replies.

Yidio is profitable and backed by an equity investment from a group led by serial entrepreneur Alan Warms and Performics founder James Crouthamel.

About Yidio

Yidio's goal is to provide simply the best way to watch TV and movies online. With thousands of hours of TV programming now available online, Yidio aggregates content for over 400,000 episodes across nearly 3,500 TV shows. Yidio provides users with a single platform to access premium content no matter where it's located. Yidio takes the enormous world of online TV and organizes it into easy-to-use episode guides that provide access to content from one to many sources. Learn more about Yidio at

(1) Source: Google Analytics (October 2009 through January 13, 2010)

Contact Information: Media contact: Bill Perry Mobile: +1 614 975 7538
