Restoring Vancouver's Landmark Nature Mural


 WHAT:        Renowned muralist and environmental advocate Wyland will
              be restoring one of his most distinctive Whaling Wall
              murals in the heart of the City of Vancouver in time for
              the 2010 Winter Olympics. The 7,200-square foot mural,
              originally painted in 1994, is among one of the most
              recognizable landmarks along a major artery into the
              city. It is estimated that two-thirds of all traffic
              heading into the city for the Olympic Games will pass
              the mural at the north end of the Granville Bridge in

 WHERE:       The mural is located on the Old Continental Hotel, 1290
              Granville St., Vancouver, BC, Canada. The property is
              owned and managed by the city of Vancouver.

              Rededication Ceremony
              Noon Monday, January 18
              1290 Granville St.
              Vancouver, BC, Canada
              All media are invited to attend.

              Reception to Follow
              Bill Reid Gallery
              639 Hornby Street
              Vancouver, BC
              1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

 BACKGROUND:  The restoration of the landmark mural is a non-profit
              project to emphasize the role of international
              cooperation to celebrate the environment among all
              generations. Wyland will be joined at the mural
              rededication ceremony by senior officials from Los
              Angeles, Wyland's home, and Vancouver, two sister
              communities committed to sustainability. Vancouver City
              Councilor Heather Deal and Los Angeles City Councilman
              Tom LaBonge are scheduled to attend. Other notable
              guests include renowned Canadian Wildlife Artist Robert
              Bateman. First painted in 1994, the Vancouver Whaling
              Mural is the 56th mural in the artist's series of 100
              monumental conservation themed marine life murals know
              as the Whaling Walls.  Wyland completed is 100th and
              final Whaling Wall in Beijing in July 2008 in
              conjunction with the 2008 Beijing Olympic Cultural
              Festival.  The Whaling Wall mural campaign spans 79
              cities in 13 countries around the world, including the
              world's largest mural in the Guinness Book of Records.

 SUPPORTERS:  Title Sponsor is J.J. Keller Foundation, Inc., a Neenah,
              Wis.-based private foundation. Other supporting
              organizations include: Get to Know Program, Pure
              Painters, and the City of Vancouver. J.J. Keller
              Foundation Director James Keller states, "We support
              Wyland and the Wyland Foundation and are very proud to
              support this restoration project to beautify the city of
              Vancouver as it opens its doors to the world."

For information, visit For more information about the artist, please visit

