An extraordinary general meeting will be held on 25 February 2010 at 2 p.m. in Guava A/S CVR no. 27216579 (the “Company”) at the Company's offices, Amaliegade 3-5, DK-1256 Copenhagen K, with the following agenda: 1. Presentation of chairman of the meeting. 2. Proposal to increase the Company's share capital by NetBooster S.A.'s conversion of debt owed by the Company for a minimum DKK 15 million and a maximum of DKK 20 million at a rate of DKK 0.145 per share of DKK 0.10, including amendment of article 3 of the Articles of Association to reflect the capital increase. The proposal can be adopted by a qualified majority. 3. Proposal to increase the Company's share capital by NetBooster S.A.'s cash subscribtion of shares for minimum DKK 9 million to maximum DKK 9.5 million at a rate of DKK 0.145 per share of DKK 0.10, including amendment of article 3 of the Articles of Association to reflect the capital increase. The capital increase will not allow existing shareholders to exercise their pre-emption rights. The proposal can be adopted by a qualified majority. The pre-emption right of the existing shareholders has been derogated in order for the Company to secure quick funding. In the opinion of the board of directors, the subscription rate corresponds to the market rate and it has been determined on the basis of the average price at which the share has been traded in a period of 7 days prior to the meeting of the board of directors on 8 February 2010. 4. Any other business. --o0o-- The Company's share capital is DKK 16,615,510.30 divided into shares of DKK 0.10. Each share of DKK 0.10 is entitled to one vote. The following documents will be presented on the Company's office at the latest on 17 February 2010: (i) The complete proposals pertaining to the abovementioned capital increases. (ii) A copy of the Company's latest approved annual report for the period 1 July 2008 - 30 June 2009. (iii) Statement from the Board of Directors pursuant to Section 29 (2)(2) of the Danish Public Limited Companies Act. (iv) Statement from the Company's auditor pursuant to Section 29 (2)(3) of the Danish Public Limited Companies Act. (v) Statement from the board of directors pursuant to Section 33a of the Danish Public Limited Companies Act. Yours sincerely Ole Sigetty (chairman) on behalf of the board of directors. Further information can be obtained from: Guava A/S Horwath Revisorerne (Certified Adviser) Amaliegade 3-5 Strandvejen 58 DK-1256 København K DK-2900 Hellerup Nils Carlsson Søren Jonassen / Thomas Viscovich Adm. koncerndirektør Statsautoriseret Revisor Tlf.: 70 27 80 89 Tlf.: 39 29 25 00 Mail: Mail: