Rättelse: Uppdaterad information till aktieägarna i LBI International AB (publ) ("LBi") avseende fusionen med Obtineo Netherlands Holding N.V. ("Obtineo")

LBis informationsdokument avseende den föreslagna fusionen mellan LBi och
Obtineo som publicerades den 12 april har uppdaterats och en ny version bifogas
som PDF till detta pressmeddelande.  De väsentliga justeringarna har gjorts i
proforma samt i kommentar till finansiell utveckling.

Informationsdokumentet kan även laddas ned från

Informationsdokumentet i tryckt version kan beställas via:
mail: lbi@strd.se <mailto:lbi@strd.se>
telefon: 08-449 88 16

För ytterligare information kontakta:
LBi:s akteägarservice
0480-404 722
Eva Ottosson, informationsansvarig, LBI International AB
0709-41 21 40, eva.ottosson@lbi.com <mailto:eva.ottosson@lbi.com>

Notice to shareholders in the United States

This  merger relates  to the  securities of  a Dutch  and a Swedish company. The
merger  is subject to disclosure  requirements of the Kingdom  of Sweden and the
Netherlands  which  are  different  from  those  of the United States. Financial
statements  included in the  document, if any,  have been prepared in accordance
with  Swedish and Dutch  standards that may  not be comparable  to the financial
statements of United States companies.

It may be difficult for you to enforce your rights and any claim you may have
arising under the federal securities laws, since the issuer is located in a
non-US jurisdiction, and some or all of its officers and Directors may be
residents of non-US jurisdictions. You may not be able to sue a non-US company
or its officers or Directors in a non-US court for violations of the US
securities laws. It may be difficult to compel a non-US company and its
affiliates to subject themselves to a US court's judgment.



Informationsdokument fusion mellan Obtineo och LBi.pdf