Q-Med AB: Interim report January-March 2010

January - March

- Group revenues from sales of goods and royalties amounted to 364 (339) MSEK.

- Earnings per share amounted to 0.60 (0.42) SEK.

- Operating income amounted to 85 (54) MSEK.

- Revenues within the Esthetics product area amounted to 329 (269) MSEK and
operating income  was 79 (50) MSEK. For the Hospital Healthcare product area
revenues from sales of goods and royalties were 35 (70) MSEK and operating
income was 23 (21) MSEK.

- Net income after tax amounted to 59 (42) MSEK. Income for the first quarter
includes a restructuring expense of 17 MSEK.

Events after the end of the period
- On April 8, Q-Med presented a completely new series of products: Restylane®
Skincare. Restylane Skincare is a series of skincare products based on the
patented NASHA(TM) technology. Restylane Skincare complements the products in
the Restylane family, which today consists of injectable dermal fillers for
esthetic treatments.

- On April 12, Q-Med announced that, together with its partner Oceana
Therapeutics, based in the USA, it has submitted an application for Premarket
Approval, PMA, to the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for Solesta®. The
submitted PMA application contains a substantial amount of clinical data to show
the safety and effectiveness of Solesta. The study succeeded in meeting all
primary endpoints. These endpoints were pre-specified in a study protocol which
had been approved by the FDA before the start of the study. An important result
of the study was that it was able to show that patients treated with Solesta
achieved improved quality of life.

Q-Med AB is a medical device company that develops, manufactures, markets, and
sells high quality medical implants for esthetic and medical use. The majority
of the products are based on the company's patented technology, NASHA(TM), for
the production of stabilized non-animal hyaluronic acid. The product portfolio
today contains: Restylane® for filling lines and folds, contouring and creating
volume in the face, Macrolane(TM) for body contouring, Durolane(TM) for the
treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints, Deflux® for the
treatment of vesicoureteral reflux, VUR, (a malformation of the urinary bladder)
in children, and Solesta® for the treatment of fecal incontinence. Sales are
made through the company's own subsidiaries or distributors in over 70
countries. Q‑Med today has about 650 coworkers, with almost 400 at the company's
head office and production facility in Uppsala, Sweden. Q-Med AB is listed in
the Mid Cap segment of the NASDAQ OMX Nordic.

Q-Med AB (publ), Seminariegatan 21, SE-752 28 Uppsala, Sweden. Corporate
identity number 556258-6882.
Tel: +46 18 474 90 00. Fax: +46 18 474 90 01. E-mail:info@q-med.com
<mailto:info@q-med.com>. Web: www.q-med.com <http://www.q-med.com/>.

The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link.



Q1 2010.pdf