SC Klaipėda Stevedoring Company (KLASCO) and Linas Agro, AB owned by the stock company Linas Agro Group has signed the long-term cooperation agreement on the expansion of the Bulk grain terminal. This step will enable to increase grain handling in Klaipeda Seaport by approximately 40 per cent. The agreement stipulates that Linas Agro, AB takes part in a partial financing of the expansion of the Bulk grain terminal and has the exceptional right to use silos warehouses of 40 thousand cubic meters and handle grain through the terminal for five years. At the moment, the Bulk grain terminal situated on the territory rented by KLASCO beside the quay No.4 can store up to 60 thousand tons of grain. It will be expanded by building six additional silos warehouses of 60 thousand cubic meters space, the second rail cars discharging station and grain weighting equipment. After the expansion the terminal is expected to store 105 thousand tons of grain at once. The expansion works of the Bulk grain terminal are planned be finished in the autumn of 2011. „The expansion of the Bulk grain terminal is an extremely important event to the entire Klaipeda Seaport. Until now approximately a half of Lithuanian grain were exported through Latvia's seaports. After the construction of new grain warehouses, Klaipeda Seaport will be able to handle the entire Lithuanian harvest,” KLASCO Director General Audrius Paužа says. According to him, the increase of the terminal's capacities is a part of KLASCO investment programme. In two years about LTL 50 million will be invested into the expansion of company's terminals. The possibility to handle various grain volumes and load both smaller ships of several thousand tons and “Panamax” type ships is of extreme importance. “We have decided to invest into the expansion of KLASCO Bulk grain terminal because grain export is one of our strategic activities. Every year we export over 700 thousand tons of agricultural products through the Baltic seaports, and at the peak of the season there is not enough capacities to handle all Lithuanian grain in Klaipeda Seaport. Therefore, last year and this year we loaded two thirds of our production in Latvia's seaports,” Linas Agro Group, AB Board Chairman Darius Zubas says. According to him, tendencies show that Lithuanian grain export will grow, and the need for storage spaces will increase, too; thus, participation in the expansion of KLASCO Bulk grain terminal is a strategic decision of Linas Agro Group, AB. “Although we sell a significant part of our products in Lithuania, we are among the leading Lithuanian grain exporters. We are constantly looking for the most efficient grain logistics solutions as well as ways to increase flows of sold goods since we have to be competitive on the market and offer the most attractive terms to our client farmers and foreign buyers. In Lithuania and Latvia there are only two deep-sea quays and possibilities to load “Panamax” type ships which can carry up to 70 thousand tons of cargo. Since Lithuania raises twice as much grain as Latvia we have decided to invest into Lithuanian company's terminal. KLASCO is one of the strongest companies in the Baltic region, we have been working with it for many years, and we are satisfied with our cooperation,” D. Zubas says. There will be a tender announced for the building and equipment of the Bulk grain terminal. Therefore, the total investments into the terminal's expansion will be clear after the tender. The construction works are expected to start this summer. About KLASCO In terms of turnover SC Klaipėda Stevedoring Company (KLASCO) is the largest Klaipeda Seaport's stevedoring company which handles the biggest number of various types of cargo. It has over one third of port's service market share. The company runs the general cargo, dry as well as liquid fertiliser, bulk grain and ferry (Ro-Ro) terminals, and it is the largest port unit in terms of the area of warehousing and storage facilities, which exceed 50 thousand cubic metres. The company also provides cargo transportation by truck and logistics services “from door to door”. In 2009 KLASCO earned LTL 115.63 million income from its core activities. This year the company plans and will start expansion of the bulk grain and dry fertilisers terminals, also, it plans building new passenger and cargo terminals. About Linas Agro Group, AB Linas Agro Group, AB is an integrated agribusiness company engaged in international agricultural business, production and trade in agricultural produce and raw materials. It controls companies in Lithuania, Latvia and Denmark. The Group consists of the following companies: Linas Agro, AB, a Lithuanian company engaged in international trade in agricultural plant produce; Linas Agro, UAB controlling grain storages; Grūdų centras, KŪB (controlling grain storages in Kėdainiai, Kupiškis, Joniškis, Šiauliai and Vilkaviškis), grain trade company in Latvia - Linas Agro, SIA; international trade company in Denmark - Rosenkrantz A/S; Landvesta, ŽŪB, a group of companies controlling agricultural land; and Linas Agro Konsultacijos, UAB controlling agricultural companies. Financial year of the companies starts on the 1st of July. According to the data of the first half of the financial year the income stood at LTL 554,35 million while the net profit was LTL 25,7 million, also, 59% of income was gained from the trade of grain as well as oilseeds. In July-December 2009 the company sold 818 thousand tons of products which is by 6% more as compared to 2008. As of February 17, 2010 Linas Agro Group, AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange. More information: Edgaras Valeckas SC Klaipėda Stevedoring Company Spokesperson Ph. +370 620 63042 Email Arūnas Jarmolavičius Linas Agro, AB Project Director Linas Agro Group, AB Board Member Tel. 8 698 27855 Email
SC Klaipėda Stevedoring Company and Linas Agro Group, AB to jointly expand KLASCO Bulk grain terminal
| Quelle: AB Akola Group