Stockholm, April 28, 2010 PRESS RELEASE Interim Report 2010 January - March 2010 • Net loss for the fist quarter amounted to MSEK -3.2 (-4.0). • Net loss per share amounted to SEK -0.22 (-0.27). • Shareholders' equity per share on March 31, 2010, was SEK 37.70 (37.92), of which cash and cash equivalents accounted for SEK 24.18 (25.02). • The valuation of the fund investments increased by MSEK 10 in local currencies, while the negative currency effects on such fund investments amounted to MSEK -11. • As of March 31, 2010, NAXS had made investment commitments totaling approximately 594 MSEK, equivalent to 105 percent of the total equity. • At the end of the period, NAXS' underlying funds had in total acquired more than 40 portfolio companies. As of March 31, 2010, 37 percent of the Company's equity had been drawn by the underlying funds. • The first exit by an underlying fund occurred during the period, with the signing by Valedo of the divestment of Solhagagruppen to Bridgepoint Development Capital. • As of March 31, 2010, cash and cash equivalents amounted to MSEK 363 (375). During the year, liquid assets were invested in interest-bearing instruments or held on interest-bearing bank accounts, in accordance with the Company's policy. Please see attached file for the full report.