Total demand for government T-bills in competitive multi-price auction achieved 23,65 million lats. T-Bills with the total value of 8,0 million lats were sold during the government domestic securities competitive multi-price auction. In government domestic securities auctions short-term bills with two different maturity dates were offered - bills with a maturity date of 29 October 2010 (six month bills) and bills with a maturity date of 29 April 2011 (twelve month bills). In competitive multi-price auction in April 28 maximum yield rate set for 6 month T-bills 2,0% and for 12 month T-bills 3,50%. The weighted average yield rate for six month T-bills was 1,804% and for twelve month T-bills was 3,18%. On Thursday, 29 April, non-competitive fixed rate auctions took place. Total demand for T-bills in non-competitive fixed rate auctions achieved 5,0 million lats. In this placement T-bills with maturity date of six months in a total nominal value of 1 million lats and T-bills with maturity date of twelve months in a total nominal value of 1 million lats were sold. More detailed information on recent auctions is available on the Treasury's home page in the section “Debt and Cash Management”. Zane Sneidere Press secretary The Treasury of the Republic of Latvia Phone: + 371 67094324 e-mail: