RESOLUTIONS Of annual General Meeting of Shareholders of joint stock company „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE”, to be held on April 30, 2010. 1.Report from the Management Board and from sworn auditor about activity of company in year 2009. 1.1.Accepted for knowledge report of auditor about action of company in year 2009. 2.Approval of annual report of company for year 2009. 2.1.Approved annual report of company for year 2009. 3.Approval of the profit of JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” in the year 2009. 3.1.Approved that JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” has worked without profit in year 2009. 4.Release of Management and Supervisory Board from responsibility of action in year 2009. 4.1.Release Management and Supervisory Board from responsibility of action in year 2009. 5.Election of the auditor for the audit of Annual Report for the year 2010 and determination of the remuneration. 5.1.Elected as auditor Ingrīda Pētersone ( Audits Pluss Ltd.) for the audit of Annual Report for the year 2010. 5.2.Determined remuneration for the auditor in amount of LVL 3000. 6. Changes in statute of company. 6.1.Do not change statute of company. 7.Election of the Supervisory Board. 7.1. Elected as members of Supervisory Board to three years with authorization starting from 30.04.2010.: Ilona Baumane, Māris Ūtēns, Ilze Kļaviņa, Atis Grundmanis, Svetlana Zača. 8.Other issues. 8.1. To delegate the responsibility to Management Board of JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” to evaluate profitableness for real estate owned by company, to make and conclude agreements of alienability of unprofitable real estates. JSC "LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE" Chairman of the Board Aldis Taurītis
Resolutions of Annual General meeting of shareholders of JSC LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE
| Quelle: Latvijas Zoovetapgade