Result of AGM

30th April 2010                                                                 
                                 POWERFLUTE OYJ     
                                  RESULT OF AGM 

Powerflute Oyj (the "Company" or “Powerflute”), the packaging group with        
established positions in Nordic semi-chemical fluting and coated woodfree       
papers, released the following statement in connection with the resolutions     
passed at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders held in Kuopio, Finland on 
29th April 2010. Powerflute is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock     
Exchange (Ticker: POWR) and on the First North list, the alternative market of  
the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB (Ticker POW1V).  
The Annual General Meeting resolved all matters in accordance with the proposals
of the Board of Directors and its committees and as presented in the invitation 
to the Annual General Meeting published on 8 April 2010.   
The Annual General Meeting approved the Company's financial statements for the  
year ended 31 December, 2009 as presented by the Board of Directors and further 
resolved that no dividend shall be paid in respect of the financial year ended  
31 December, 2009.                           
The proposals made by the Board of Directors in connection with authorities to  
be granted to them to resolve that the Company may repurchase its own shares as 
well as issue new shares and grant options and other special rights providing   
entitlement to shares were passed by the Annual General Meeting. It was resolved
that such authorities shall remain in force until the later of the next Annual  
General Meeting or June 2011.                
Dermot F. Smurfit, Christopher Knight, Juha Niemelä, Ulrich Scheufelen, William 
Anthony Smith and David Walton were re-elected as directors. In addition, Marco 
Casiraghi and Dermot S. Smurfit were elected as new Board members. Dermot F.    
Smurfit was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The term of office
of Board members lasts until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2011.  
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the remuneration of the directors for  
the term ending at the close of the Annual General Meeting in 2011 should be as 
follows: a fee of EUR 100,000 per annum for the Chairman and a fee of EUR 50,000
per annum for each of the Non-executive Board Members, together with            
additional compensation of EUR 10,000 per annum for the Chairmen of each of the 
Board's committees. It was resolved that no additional fee should be paid to the
Executive Directors for their services as directors.                 
Ernst & Young Oy, an auditing entity authorised by the Central Chamber of       
Commerce of Finland, was re-elected to act as auditors of the Company until the 
end of the Annual General Meeting in 2011.      

                                    - Ends-                                     

For additional information please contact:                                      
| Powerflute OYJ                  |            | c/o Billy Clegg, Financial    |
| Dermot Smurfit (Chairman)       |            | Dynamics                      |
| Marco Casiraghi (Chief          |            | +44 (0)20 7269 7157           |
| Executive)                      |            |                               |
| David Walton (Chief Financial   |            |                               |
| Officer)                        |            |                               |
| Collins Stewart Europe Ltd:     |            | +44 (0)20 7523 8350           |
| Piers Coombs                    |            |                               |
| Mark Dickenson                  |            |                               |
| E.Öhman J:or Fondkommission AB: |            | +358 9 8866 6029              |
| Ms Arja Väyrynen                |            |                               |
| Financial Dynamics:             |            | +44 (0)20 7831 3113           |
| Billy Clegg                     |            |                               |
| K Capital Source                |            | +353 (1) 663 3686             |
| Mark Kenny                      |            |                               |
| Jonathan Neilan                 |            |                               |

About Powerflute                                                                
Powerflute Oyj (“the Company” or “Powerflute”) is a packaging group with        
established positions in Nordic semi-chemical fluting and coated woodfree       
Through its subsidiary Savon Sellu Oy, the Group operates a paper mill in       
Kuopio, Finland which produces a specialised form of semi-chemical fluting made 
from birchwood sourced principally in Finland and Russia. Corrugated boxes      
manufactured using Nordic semi-chemical fluting demonstrate exceptional strength
and moisture resistance and are extensively used for transportation of fruit and
vegetables, high-value industrial goods such as electrical appliances and       
automotive components. The Kuopio mill has the capacity to produce up to 300,000
tonnes per annum and is one of three suppliers of Nordic semi-chemical fluting  
in Europe.                   
Through its recently acquired subsidiary Papierfabrik Scheufelen, the Group     
operates a paper mill in Lenningen, Germany which produces a range of coated    
woodfree papers from mixed hardwood and softwood pulps. Coated woodfree papers  
are used in the production of printed promotional material such as brochures,   
leaflets and other point of sale materials for producers and distributors of    
premium branded goods. The Lenningen mill has the capacity to produce up to     
300,000 tonnes per annum and supplies the majority of its products into the     
European market where total demand has historically been in excess of 7.7       
million tonnes per annum.