Supplementing the previously announced information about the actions of the Share Fund of the Republic of Serbia and the Privatisation Agency of the Republic of Serbia in termination of the privatisation agreement and transferring to the Share Fund of the Republic of Serbia the shares of BIP AD (Beogradska industrija piva) acquired by the public company ALITA (the Company), hereby the Company informs that on 12 May 2010 it sent an official notice to the Government of the Republic of Serbia with a copy to the Privatisation Agency of the Republic of Serbia, the Share Fund of the Republic of Serbia and the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Serbia. In the sent notice the Company stated that decisions adopted and actions performed by the authorities of the Republic of Serbia infringe the interests of the Company, as an investor, and do not comply with the principles established in the 29 March 2005 Agreement of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro on reciprocal investment promotion and protection (the Agreement). The Company also stated that the Republic of Serbia is responsible for the violations of the provisions of the Agreement and the international law committed by its authorities and must remunerate the losses sustained by the Company. An official notice of the Company by which the Company informs the Republic of Serbia on the existing dispute, initiates official negotiations with the Government of the Republic of Serbia regarding infringement of the rights of the Company, as an investor, and invites to resolve the existing dispute by way of amicable negotiations and agree on the place and time of the first meeting, has been filed in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. The Company has also informed that basing on Article 9 of the Agreement, in case of failure to resolve the dispute within 6 months by way of amicable negotiations, the Company reserves the right to apply to International Investment Dispute Resolution Centre or invoke another way of dispute resolution stipulated in the Agreement. Authorized to provide information: Vytautas Junevicius tel. +370 315 57243. Vytautas Junevičius, Director General, +370 315 57243