American Pulse(TM): This Ain't No Recovery Summer -- Only 17.6% Think So

New Consumer Behaviors Emerge as Anxiety Over Economy Continues

COLUMBUS, OH--(Marketwire - July 23, 2010) -  Almost half (48.2%) disagree/strongly disagree that this is a financial "recovery summer" for the U.S., according to the latest American Pulse™ Survey of 6,648 respondents. Only 17.6% agree/strongly agree in the summer revival and two in five (43.4) think the Obama administration's efforts for getting the economy back on track have made matters worse. (32.4% say attempts have been helpful and the jury is still out for 24.2% of Americans.)

Additionally, more people think President Obama's accomplishments, such as healthcare and financial reform should be booed (41.4%) than applauded (37.6%) and one reason could be uneasiness over increased government spending. 75.1% say that the growing deficit is hurting future economic growth for America.

From all the uncertainty over the economy, new consumer behaviors are emerging. For example, 65.5% of consumers say they have cut back their credit card usage. And almost three-fourths of those (72.9%) say they don't plan on ever returning to how they used credit cards prior to the recession.

Further, it appears that consumers are looking for additional ways to stretch their dollars. As a result of the recession, 33% say they have purchased items at thrift/charity stores such as Goodwill, 30.8% say they have bought at wholesale clubs and 30.4% say they have bought online. 26.9% have hit up garage sales because of tough economic times.

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Other key findings:

  • 51.6% are afraid of getting sick and their illness not be covered under the new healthcare reform... 37.3% are not.
  • Americans are split on whether medical innovation will continue with reform... 53.2% say yes, 46.8% say no.
  • 49.2% give the Obama administration a failing grade for Gulf oil spill clean-up efforts... 29.8% assign a passing grade.
  • Americans are split on the administration's plan to deploy National Guard troops to assist with border protections... 39.4% say it's a step in the right direction and 40% say it's too little, too late.

About American Pulse™
The American Pulse™ Survey is collected online by BIGresearch® twice a month exclusively utilizing Survey Sampling International's (SSI) U.S. panel covering topics such as politics, pop culture and the economy. Over 5,000 respondents participate, providing greater insights and accuracy of +/- 1%.

About Survey Sampling International (SSI)
Survey Sampling International is the premier global provider of sampling solutions for survey research. SSI offers access to more than 6 million consumer and business-to-business research respondents in 54 countries via Internet, telephone, and mobile. Additional client services include custom profiling, survey programming and hosting, data processing, sampling consulting, and survey optimization. SSI serves more than 1,800 marketing research clients, including nearly three-quarters of the top researchers worldwide. Founded in 1977, SSI has an international staff of 400 people representing 50 countries and 36 languages. The company is based in Shelton, CT with 14 additional offices worldwide.

Contact Information:

Chrissy Wissinger
