On the mortgage bonds principal payments

The SJSC “Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia” hereby informs that the following   
payments of mortgage bonds principal shall take place on 16th of August 2010:   
| Mortgag | ISIN     | Interest  | Interest  | The amount of  | Basis for      |
| e bond  | code     | calculati | payment   | the interest   | interest       |
| series  |          | on date   | date      | payment per    | payment        |
|         |          |           |           | one security   |                |
|   AN    | LV000080 | 15.08.201 | 16.08.201 |   LVL 100.00   | According to   |
|         |   0266   |     0     |     0     |                |  AN series     |
|         |          |           |           |                | mortgage bond  |
|         |          |           |           |                | prospectus     |