Announcement no. 28-2010 3. September 2010 Company announcement Amagerbanken concludes agreement with the Danish state concerning renouncement of the bank's obligation to convert the government hybrid core capital in certain instances Supplement to prospectus dated 17 August 2010 The bank's agreement with the Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs on behalf of the Danish state. Amagerbanken and the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs on behalf of the Danish state have today concluded an agreement concerning the amendment of certain terms and conditions for the government injection of hybrid core capital. The agreement entails the renouncement of the bank's obligation to convert the government hybrid core capital in certain instances. The agreement is motivated by the following considerations: As described in the prospectus, the bank would after completion of the capital increase have gained a certain robustness against additional impairment charges before it would be obliged to effect a conversion of the government capital injection in whole or in part into share capital. In relation to existing shareholders and the investors subscribing for new shares in the rights offering, the bank has found it appropriate to increase this robustness significantly; an objective which will be achieved by this agreement. This will reduce the risk of subsequent dilution of the shareholders as a result of a conversion of the government capital injection in whole or in part. According to the original agreement between Amagerbanken and the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs on behalf of the Danish state on government capital injection of hybrid core capital in the total amount of DKK 1,106m, the bank was obliged to convert the government capital injection in whole or in part if the bank's initial hybrid core capital ratio (as defined in the loan agreement) exceeded 50 in order to reduce the initial hybrid core capital ratio to 35 or less. As a result of the new agreement with the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs on behalf of the Danish state, the bank is no longer under an obligation to effect such conversion of the government capital injection in whole or in part into share capital. However, the bank will still be entitled to effect such conversion and it will still be under an obligation to convert that part of the government capital injection which has been issued subject to mandatory conversion if so directed by the Financial Supervisory Authority in the event of the bank's inability to fulfil the solvency requirement applying to it or if the Financial Supervisory Authority finds that there is an imminent risk thereof. These terms are unchanged compared to the original terms agreed. dilution of the shareholders as a result of a conversion of the government capital injection in whole or in part. Supplement to the prospectus The bank will publish a supplement to the bank's prospectus dated 17 August 2010 in a separate announcement. The supplement describes the changes to the prospectus in consequence of the above. Yours faithfully A M A G E R B A N K E N N.E. Nielsen Jørgen Brændstrup For further information, please contact Mr N.E. Nielsen or Mr Jørgen Brændstrup via Ms Anne Mikkelsen (co-ordinator) at tel. +45 32 66 64 03.
Amagerbanken agrees renouncement of its obligation til convert goverment hybrid capital in certain instances
| Quelle: Amagerbanken A/S