On 6th of September, 2010 the Board of RST, AB adopted a decision to convoke the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of RST, AB (company code 110870890 registered office at P. Lukšio 5B, LT-08221, Vilnius) and approved the following agenda of the meeting: 1. Re the approval of the resolution of the Board to become a participant and to invest in UAB Technologijų ir Inovacijų Centras. 2. Re the approval of the resolution of the Board to become a participant and to invest in the asset management company UAB Kruonio Investicijos. Initiator of the Meeting of Shareholders: the Board of RST, AB. The date and time of the Meeting of Shareholders: 28th of September, 2010, 10.00 AM. The place of the Meeting of Shareholders: Vilnius, P. Lukšio 5B (6th floor). The account date of the General Meeting of Shareholders: 21st of September, 2010. Shareholders that own shares of RST, AB in the end of the account date shall have the right to participate and vote in convoked Extraordinary General Meeting. Registration starts: 28th of September, 2010, 9.25 AM. Registration ends: 28th of September, 2010, 9.55 AM. Shareholders who participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders must submit an identity document. Each shareholder may authorize in writing either a natural or a legal person to participate and to vote on the shareholder's behalf at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. The authorized persons must have documents, confirming their personal identity and power of attorney, approved in the manner, specified by law, which must be submitted to the Company, address P. Lukšio 5B, Vilnius (4th floor) no later than before the end of registration for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. The authorized persons at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall have the same rights as represented shareholder. Shareholder's right to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders also includes the right to ask. The agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may be supplemented by initiative of shareholders, who own shares no less than 1/20 of all votes. Along with a proposal to supplement the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders must be submitted the drafts of proposed decisions or, if the decisions shall not be adopted, explanations on each of the proposed issue. Shareholders, who own shares no less than 1/20 of all votes own the right at any time before the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders or during the meeting in writing or by e-mail info@rst.lt propose new draft decisions on the issues already included or to be included in the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. Shareholders own the right to ask the questions, concerning the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held on the 28th of September, 2010. Questions may be submitted by e-mail info@rst.lt or delivered directly to the Company's registered office at P. Lukšio 5B, Vilnius (4th floor) not later than 3 working days before the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. On decisions which are included into the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders can be voted in writing by completing the general voting bulletin. If shareholder requests, the Company shall send the general voting bulletin to the requesting shareholder by registered mail or shall deliver it in person against signature no later than 10 days prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders free of charge. The filled general voting bulletin must be signed by the shareholder or its authorized representative. Document, confirming the right to vote, must be added to the general voting bulletin, if authorized person is voting. The shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting can't participate and vote by electronic means. Documents, concerning the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the drafts of decisions of each agenda question, documents to be submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, and other information, related to Shareholders rights, shareholders can access not later than 21 day until the Extraordinary General Meeting on the web page of the company http://www.rst.lt/ and also in the company's office (P. Lukšio 5B, Vilnius) during working hours (7.30-11.30; 12.15-16.30, on Fridays 7.30-11.30; 12.15-15.15). This notice is deemed non-confidential. Department of marketing and communication Kristina Mažeikytė, tel. 8 5 2512528
The Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB is called on 28 September 2010, at 10.00 AM.
| Quelle: Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai AB