New Exchange Traded Funds, UBS ETF (149/10)

On request from UBS, through its fund company UBS ETF, NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
decides to list the following funds on the Fund list as from September 14th,
Fund	Short name	ISIN	Den. Curr.	Actual NAV/Unit
30th June 2010	Order book ID
UBS-ETF EURO STOXX 50 A	E50SKA	LU0136234068	EUR	26,40	77782
UBS-ETF MSCI World A	WRDSKA	LU0340285161	USD	105,38	77783
UBS-MSCI Europe A	          EURSKA	LU0446734104	EUR	43,05     77784
UBS-ETF MSCI Pacific ex Jap A	PACSKA	LU0446734526	USD	34,60	77785
UBS-ETF MSCI USA A	          USASKA	LU0136234654	USD	98,53	77786
UBS-ETF MSCI Japan	          JPNSKA 	LU0136240974	JPY	2604	77787

Traded and settled in: SEK

Short descriptions of the funds
Further information about the funds, the Net Asset Value (NAV) and the indices
is available on the UBS ETF:s website, 

Clearing and settlement
The instrument will be part of the central counterparty (CCP) clearing through
EMCF and settlement will take place at Euroclear Sweden. 

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Eva
Norling or Anna Jansson, telephone + 46 8 405 60 00. 


listing ubs etf_100914.xls ubs etfs_100914_eng.pdf