Pandora A/S - admittance to trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S

|                                      |            Copenhagen, 5 October 2010 |
Pandora A/S - admittance to trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX          
Copenhagen A/S                                                                  

Please be informed that Pandora A/S has been admitted to trading and official   
listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen. First day of trading is today, 5 October 2010.

| ISIN:                              | DK0060252690                            |
| Name:                              | Pandora                                 |
| Volume:                            | 125,500,000 shares (DKK 125,500,000)    |
| Final offer price:                 | DKK 210                                 |
| Face value:                        | DKK 1                                   |
| Name/bearer:                       | Bearer                                  |
| Voting rights of listed capital:   | Full                                    |
| Financial year:                    | 1 January to 31 December                |
| Unlisted capital:                  | DKK 0                                   |
| CBR NO:                            | 28505116                                |
| Segment:                           | LARGE CAP                               |
| Average Daily Turnover:            | EUR 30,000,000                          |
| Average Daily number of            | 1,100                                   |
| Transactions:                      |                                         |
| Short name                         | PNDORA                                  |
| Orderbook ID:                      | 77855                                   |

GICS classification:                                                            
| 25                                 | Consumer Discretionary                  |
| 2520                               | Consumer Durables & Apparel             |
| 252030                             | Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods        |
| 25203010                           | Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods        |

The shares are CCP cleared (EMCF).                                              

For further information please see the published prospectus and the published   

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


pandora - ipo-2 - uk.pdf