January-September 2010 (reporting period) Net sales SEK 653 M (540) Order intake SEK 759 M (529) Operating profit/loss SEK 5.2 M (-58.2) Profit/loss before tax SEK 6.8 M (-59.4) Profit/loss for the period SEK 2.4 M (-54.8) Earnings per share SEK 0.42 (-9.79) Cash flow from operating activities SEK -41.9 M (25.1) Foreign exchange effects, primarily attributable to strengthening of the Swedish krona, had a negative impact of SEK 4.7 M on operating profit for the reporting period. Profit for the comparison period January-September 2009 includes total items affecting comparability of approximately SEK -36 M. The acquisition of the Cyncrona operations was completed on 1 June. July-September 2010 (third quarter) Net sales SEK 256 M (157) Order intake SEK 284 M (154) Operating profit/loss SEK 0.4 M (-12.5) Profit/loss before tax SEK -1.9 M (-13.0) Profit/loss for the period SEK -1.8 M (-11.3) Earnings per share SEK -0.34 (-2.01) Cash flow from operating activities SEK -16.0 M (3.6) Foreign exchange effects, primarily attributable to strengthening of the Swedish krona, had a negative impact of SEK 7.7 M on operating profit for the third quarter. For further information contact Fredrik Celsing, President and CEO, telephone +46 8 759 35 55, or Håkan Lundgren, Head of Corporate Communications, telephone +46 8 759 35 79 The information in this report is subject to the disclosure requirements of ElektronikGruppen under the Act on Stock Exchange and Clearing Operations, the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments and the requirements in the listing agreement with NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The information was submitted for publication on 28 October 2010, 09.00 CET. This interim report is a translation of a Swedish original. In the event of any difference between the original and the translation, the Swedish interim report(Delårsrapport januari-september 2010) shall govern. ElektronikGruppen is one of the Nordic region's leading suppliers of high-tech electronic components, systems and production equipment for the electronics industry. Operations are conducted in three business areas based on specialised knowledge in electronics and electromechanics. The Nordic region is the home market, but ElektronikGruppen is also established in the Baltic countries, Poland, Germany, the UK, China, India and Sri Lanka. The Group recorded net sales of SEK 718 M in 2009. The share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Nordic in Stockholm.