Regarding public electricity and network service prices

On 15 November, 2010 the Board of VST, AB (hereinafter - VST) approved and
submitted to the National Control Commission for Prices and Energy (hereinafter
- Commission) public electricity and network service prices, their application
procedures and differentiation methodologies of VST and LESTO, AB for the year
2011. According prices adopted by the Board of VST, public electricity price
for residents will not change since 1 of January, 2011. 
According to Law on Electricity, public electricity and network service prices
and their application procedures will be revised and announced by the
Commission. After the Commission's decision regarding announcement of
electricity and network service prices, VST will inform consumers and investors
according to the laws. 

Information is not confidential.

Person for contacts: Head of Marketing and Communication Division Kristina
Mažeikytė;  Phone: +370 5 255 2528 

Chief Executive Officer    Rimantas Vaitkus