Clear Skies Solar Expands Business Model

CSS Enters Sub 300kw Sector and Residential Market

MINEOLA, N.Y., Dec. 1, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS) (OTCBB:CSKH), a full-service renewable energy provider to commercial, industrial, and agricultural clients, announced today the Company is expanding its traditional market focus to include solar installation projects in the sub-300kw sector for commercial as well as residential installations. Clear Skies Solar will initially target the smaller, higher turn-over projects in the sub-300kw commercial/residential arena as the Company believes these opportunities represent a high-growth sector while also presenting CSS with the opportunity to generate cash-flow for the Company without the effects of dilution.

In order to pursue the sub-300kw commercial/residential market, Clear Skies Solar will launch a new division to focus on projects within this space, as being able to dominate these markets immediately upon entrance requires focus, strong buying power and the dedicated expertise to control high-volume business successfully, all of which are attributes the Company believes it possess from a position of strength within the industry. 

Specifically, Clear Skies Solar has secured support for the Company's supply-chain of modules, racking and inverters at high volume pricing. Additionally, the Company has also added a new sales and management team with many years of industry experience managing high volume projects, specifically selected to oversee this high-growth segment of the market. To date, Clear Skies Solar has already visited and surveyed 29 projects with-in the sub-300kw space and the Company expects to generate strong results in Q1 2011 given the addition of this new market focus to its business model. Regarding the total projects within this space that the Company is currently pursuing, the combined total size of these projects is 3.7 Megawatts, across three states and ranging in size from 50kw's to 280 kw's.  

"Needless to say, although we are very happy to see the solar industry slowly turning around, with business continuing to pick up, the residual effects of the 2009 economy continue to follow us within the marketplace," said Ezra Green, CEO of Clear Skies Solar. He continued, "By expanding into these new market segments, we are ensuring that the foundation of CSS is stronger than before by diversifying our business model and utilizing our internal strengths to produce the cash flow necessary and meet our obligations. Cash flow being critical to all players within the industry, and given that smaller kw projects typically have shorter completion cycles, it became apparent to us that we could assemble the right management team to run this program and ensure its success for our Company and our shareholders.  We now feel we are ready to launch aggressively and effectively." 

Clear Skies Solar has built its strong industry reputation by delivering high quality results, completing projects on time and achieving client solar installation goals within budget. Going forward, Clear Skies Solar expects to continue to outperform within the industry given its top rated experienced engineers and installation teams.

About Clear Skies Solar, Inc.

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, provides full-service renewable energy solutions to commercial, industrial and agricultural clients across the country. CSS was incorporated in 2003 and launched formal operations in 2005. During that time, CSS developed its proprietary systems, obtained licenses and certifications, and acquired technologies that could maximize the impact of its construction expertise in the renewable energy sector. CSS has become one of the premier solar electric installation companies in the United States. For more information about CSS please visit the Company's website at

The Clear Skies Solar, Inc. logo is available at

