Eik Banki Foroya - Application for delisting of FRN 2010/2013 Ticker FO-EIK 13052 from Nasdaq OMX Iceland

Eik Banki Føroya P/F has applied Nasdaq OMX Iceland for removal of bond issue from listing on Nasdaq OMX Iceland.

The bond was originally issued by Eik Banki P/F. In October 2010, Eik Banki P/F was taken over by Finansiel Stablitiet A/S and the activities of Eik Banki P/F were transferred to a new company, Eik Banki Føroya P/F, and include issued bonds, i.e. FRN 2010/2013 (ISIN DK0030246285).


The bond was dual-listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen and Iceland with Copenhagen as primary listing. VP Securities, where the bond is issued, has confirmed that no Icelandic investors are among the investors.


The bond will remain listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen and given that there is no trading in the bond it is expected that present investors will hold the bonds until maturity in May 2013. The investors only requested that the bonds were listed in Copenhagen and the removal from trading on Nasdaq OMX Iceland will have no impact on the investors.


Given the above mentioned reasons, Eik Banki Føroya P/F has applied that FRN 2010/2013 DKK 1 billion (ISIN DK0030246285) will be removed from listing on Nasdaq OMX Iceland.



Yours sincerely





Jørn Astrup Hansen                             Finn Danberg

CEO                                                        CFO

         For further information contact: Jørn Astrup Hansen, CEO, tel. + 298 348 571 - astrup@eik.fo


Stock Exchange Announcement1_2011.pdf