Audited annual financial report for 2010

Mortgage Bank’s Activities in 2010 Pave Way for Further Growth

Targeted implementation of the state aid programmes and phasing-out of the commercial segment’s activities pursued by the state-owned JSC “Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia” (Mortgage Bank) in 2010 paved the way for transformation into a promotional financial institution. In 2010 the Mortgage Bank, as commissioned by government, launched three new state aid programmes expanding availability of promotional instruments for growth of the small and medium enterprises (SME) and farmers.

In 2010 the Mortgage Bank has committed new loans for the total amount of 116.7 mln lats. By taking on higher risk associated with implementation of the state aid programmes the Mortgage Bank has invested 65.2 mln lats in business start-ups and development boosting the development loans’ portfolio to 244.5 mln lats that accounts for 41% of the total loan portfolio.

Also in 2010, without assistance of state, the Mortgage Bank repaid syndicated and other long-term inter bank borrowings in the amount of 173.7 mln lats, retaining high liquidity ratio that considerably exceeded the statutory minimum imposed by the Financial and Capital Market Commission.

Rolands Paņko – Board Chairman of Mortgage Bank:

“Due to the increased lending risk resulting from the global financial crisis the banking sector in general and also Mortgage Bank continued to accumulate extra provisions for insecure loans in 2010. The reinforced capital base of the Mortgage Bank enabled it to reassess the risk of the granted loans and accumulate adequate provisions. In 2010 76.8 mln lats were channelled for accumulation of provisions.

We expect that aftermath of crisis will not affect the operational results of the bank in 2011 and growth will gradually return. The Mortgage Bank has closed January of 2011 with profit of 1.1 mln lats. In view of the provisions accumulated already in 2009 and 2010 provisioning will be considerably reduced. Overall stabilisation of the economic situation and improvement of payment discipline of the customers give ground for optimistic outlook.

The priorities for this year are successful implementation of the state aid programmes and transformation solutions as approved by government. Due to prudent financial policy of the bank we are ready to prepay all remaining syndicated loans in near future.”

Operational Results
In 2010 Mortgage Bank’s profit before provisions and taxes amounted to 9 mln lats. Also in 2010 due to the global financial crisis the Mortgage Bank proceeded with accumulation of provisions and channelled for this purpose 76.8 mln lats. As a result of accumulation of provisions the Bank closed year 2010 with 67.9 mln lats in losses that was by 22% less than forecasted. As at 31 December 2010 the ratio of the Bank’s accumulated provisions and loan portfolio was 15.6%. In January 2011 the Mortgage Bank had worked with 1.1 mln lats profit.

Number of Customers
In 2010 the Mortgage Bank recorded a rise in the number of corporate customers. Despite phasing-out of the commercial activities the number of retail customers remained unchanged attesting to high customer confidence.

In 2010 the volume of term deposits with Mortgage Bank increased both in corporate and retail customers’ sections. Within the reporting year the deposits have grown by 36.9 mln lats reaching 363.6 mln lats.

In 2010 the gross assets of the Mortgage Bank decreased by 158.4 mln lats or 16% falling to 808.2 mln lats attributed to repayment of the syndicated and other long-term inter bank borrowings in the amount of 173.7 mln lats without financial assistance of the state. As at 31 December the loan portfolio was 594.2 mln lats formed by development loans’ portfolio – 244.5 mln lats and commercial loans’ portfolio – 349.7 mln lats

Capital Adequacy and Liquidity
According to the law on the state budget for 2010 the equity capital of the Mortgage Bank was increased by 70.28 mln lats. The Mortgage Bank maintains constantly high capital adequacy and liquidity ratios that considerably exceed the statutory minimum defined in the Credit Institution Law. As at 31 December the capital adequacy ratio was 16.7% (minimum 8%), but liquidity ratio – 84.8% (minimum 30%).

Implementation of State Aid Programmes
In 2010 the Mortgage Bank proceeded with implementation of five state aid programmes. The Programme for Improvement of Competitiveness of Businesses has granted loans for 146.7 mln lats. The European Social Fund’s programme "Support to Self-employment and Business Start-ups" has financed 267 projects of business start-ups for 3.8 mln lats, trained more than 600 new entrepreneurs. The financing of the Micro-lending Programme for Small and Medium Enterprises amounting to 0.56 mln lats is fully consumed and bank keeps granting micro-loans from the repaid funds. Also in 2010 the SME Growth Programme and Programme for Working Capital Loans to Farmers were launched the former having granted loans for the total amount of 8.9 mln lats, but the latter - 200 loans totalling to 7.5 mln lats. In summer 2010 by getting involved in the distribution of the resources of the Credit Fund the bank continued financing of agricultural investments. In 2010 the Credit Fund’s resources were allocated to 3 projects totalling to 1.4 mln lats.

In view of the high demand for micro loans the Mortgage Bank in co-operation with the Ministry of Finance is developing a new micro-lending programme within the framework of Latvian – Swiss co-operation project. The programme will be launched in the 3rd quarter of 2011.

The beginning of 2010 was marked with a positive assessment of the economic development potential of Latvia acknowledged also by Standard & Poor’s Rating Services and Moody’s Investors Service Ltd through upgrading the credit rating outlook of Latvia to stable from negative. The Mortgage Bank is assigned the following ratings: long-term foreign currency deposits Baa3, short-term foreign currency deposits P3, financial strength rating E+, rating of mortgage bonds Baa2.

The Mortgage Bank was established in 1993. Its priorities are support to small and medium enterprises and promotion of economic activity in all regions of Latvia. The Mortgage Bank offers state aid target programmes for various needs of entrepreneurs, like business investment loans, working capital loans as well as loans for starting a business.

         For more information contact:
         Sandra Eglīte
         PR Officer of Mortgage Bank
         telephone: +371 67774244, +371 26577810


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