Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Notice of Final Price

Copenhagen, 2011-03-11 15:44 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following the Credit Event of Ambac Financial Group Inc. informed to Noteholders on 10 November 2010; Nordea Bank Danmark A/S as Calculation Agent of the Notes III has calculated the Final Price for the mentioned entity according the Offering Circular of the Notes III. As a result; 

  1. the Final Price is equal to 14.8333%. 
  2. the Cash Settlement Amount is equal to EUR 1,498,933. 
  3. pursuant to the calculation of the Cash Settlement Amount the Outstanding Principal Amount of the Class D Notes III will be reduced by EUR 1,498,933 on 28 March 2011. Following the reduction the new Outstanding Principal Amount of the Class D Notes III will be equal to EUR 649,024 and each Class D Notes III will have a face value of EUR 109.26.


Press Release Kalmar III Notes_Ambac Financial Group 2011-03-28.pdf