Orc and Newedge deliver high performance US to Asia trading by connecting to Newedge's Hong Kong data center

Orc and Newedge deliver high performance US to Asia trading by
connecting to Newedge's Hong Kong data center

Chicago and Hong Kong, Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - Orc Software (SSE:
ORC), a leading provider of technology and services for the global
financial industry, announced today that it will offer a direct
communications link between Chicago and Newedge's Hong Kong based
trading data center. The low-latency connection will allow US traders
using Orc to trade Asian markets directly through Newedge without
establishing their own lines and connections.

The high-speed line will give Americas based traders a direct link to
the Asian markets and that is fully managed by Orc and Newedge. Firms
will be able to trade Asian markets using Newedge's memberships and
Orc's high-performance trading platform. Orc Hosted provides managed
services for the full suite of Orc trading solutions and gives traders
the ability to concentrate on their trading by having Orc fully manage
their trading infrastructure. Orc Hosted is currently available in
Europe and will be available in the Americas later this year.

Paul Zubulake, Senior Analyst at Aite Group comments, “As the potential
for punitive regulatory burdens such as the transaction tax in the U.S.
increase, high frequency traders are looking abroad for new markets to
trade. Local market trading in futures and options in Asia specifically
Korea and Hong Kong continues to grow at a rapid pace. Going forward
connectivity solutions to such venues will be in high demand.”

Marty Leamy, President, Americas at Orc Software, notes, “Asian markets
have become important to Americas based traders to increase their
trading margins and take advantage of the new opportunities afforded in
these growing markets. Orc's low-latency trading engine combined with
Newedge's fast, seamless market access will give traders a powerful and
easily-deployed solution to capture these new opportunities.”

Mike Gilbert, Global Head of Professional Trading Group at Newedge,
comments, “Working with Orc to deliver a direct connection between the
US and the growing Asian markets is a win-win for us. Orc provides an
incredibly strong trading platform that traders find flexible and fast.
Combining Orc with Newedge's low-latency market access and robust Hong
Kong data center will give traders an unparalleled solution for trading
the Asian markets.”

Traders will be able to use Newedge's data center for deploying
sophisticated trading strategies including spread trading, market
making, volatility trading, and other advanced arbitrages. Using Orc's
Liquidator server-based technology, firms can build their own strategies
and deploy them rapidly into the market. Clients can also take advantage
of out-of-the-box trading solutions like Orc Spreader that provide the
high-performance needed to help traders win more market opportunities.

The Orc Trading solutions are used by leading financial firms worldwide
for market making, volatility trading and high frequency trading.
Together with access to the major cash and derivatives markets and a
network of brokers, this is truly an unmatched offering. Orc Trading is
available both as deployed software and as a managed service.

About Orc Software
Orc is a leading provider of technology and services for the global
financial industry. Orc delivers trading and market access solutions
used by proprietary trading and market making firms, investment banks,
hedge funds and brokerage houses worldwide.

Available as deployed software or as managed services, Orc develops and
provides the tools needed for running profitable trading or brokerage
businesses in today's competitive and ever-changing markets.

With market presence in all major global financial centers, Orc provides
sales and support services from its offices across EMEA, the Americas
and the Asia-Pacific regions.

Orc Software is publicly traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm (SSE: ORC).


About Newedge
Newedge, a 50/50 joint venture between Société Générale and Crédit
Agricole CIB, is a major force in global multi-asset brokerage business,
with a world-leading position in the execution and clearing of listed
derivative products. With a presence more than 20 locations in 16
countries, Newedge offers a full range of clearing and execution
services covering options and futures contracts for financial products
and commodities, as well as for money market instruments, bonds, FX,
equities, and commodities on OTC markets. Newedge provides a range of
value added services, including prime brokerage, asset financing, an
electronic platform for trading and order routing, cross margining, and
the centralized reporting of client portfolios. Newedge, which primarily
serves institutional clients, provides access to more than 85 exchanges.
Newedge's 3,000+ employees form a close-knit, multinational team that
can innovatively respond to its clients in fast-moving markets. For more
information, visit www.newedge.com. (031611N07)

For further information:

Orc Software
Barry Vasudevan, Marketing Director - Americas, +1 212 351 7624,


PR Global:
Valery Lepinette, Global Head of Press Relations: +33 155 07 2290,

PR Europe:
Siobhan Janaway, +44 207 676 8051, siobhan.janaway@newedgegroup.com

PR Americas:
Bill Ferri, +1 917 686 0329, bferri@intermarket.com
Emily Ahearn, +1 646 373 9654, eahearn@intermarket.com

PR Asia:
Damien Ryan, +852 6302 6922, damien@ryanfin.com

