SBAB is renamed SBAB Bank AB (publ) Effective 25 March, SBAB has changed its name to SBAB Bank AB (publ) An Extraordinary General Meeting of SBAB held on 16 March 2011 adopted new Articles of Association in which banking activities is specified as a new object of the company's operations. The Meeting also resolved that SBAB is to assume the name SBAB Bank AB (publ). The amendment of the Articles of Association and the change of name were registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office on 25 March 2011 and apply as of the same date. For further information: Eva Cederbalk, CEO, SBAB Telephone: +46-8-614 43 01 Mobile: +46-70-523 23 02 ( Christine Brosewitz, Media Relations Telephone: +46-8-614 43 75 Mobile: +46-708-47 16 11 (
SBAB is renamed SBAB Bank AB (publ)
| Quelle: SBAB