Win, Win, Win ... Author Scores Perfect Trifecta in Chicago Helping Homeless Youth

Fund raising initiative of giving away his latest book, Monetize Your Passion, to bring awareness to youth homelessness feels like a success for author Rich German. The National Coalition for the Homeless states that 1 out of every 3 homeless people are under the age of 18. Additionally, 1.6 to 1.7 million people under 18 will experience homelessness each year

Online Press Room:

LOS ANGELES, May 24, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "Win, Win, Win" is how Chicago native, author and LifeStyle coach Rich German describes the perfect success strategy to his clients.  In horse racing, it's known as a Perfect Trifecta. When German came home to Chicago last week to raise awareness about the problem of homeless youth in America, the Jane Addams Hull House and the Center on Halsted (Community Center) helped him reach that winning strategy in his efforts.

There were significant wins for the centers themselves and for the challenged youth who met with the author in motivational workshops … for awareness of this homeless youth issue through major media appearances … and finally through charitable donations which will stay in Chicago to help in German's hometown community.  The Perfect Trifecta!

Rich German came home to make a difference in the lives of Chicago's homeless youth.  He succeeded. For Rich, just spending time with the kids was a success. Now Rich feels even more connected to his passion and is more determined to find a solution for homeless youth in America.

"Meeting with former street-based young adults from the Emerge program at the Jane Addams Hull House was a life-changing experience," German shared.  "These amazing souls have all gone through the depths of hell and were given a chance to prosper.  Now, each one has a job and an apartment to call home. Each one is now able to stand on their own feet and to contribute positively to society.  They have all been given an opportunity and each has seized that opportunity."

German adds, "The mission of the GenWhy Project is to give that same opportunity to every single homeless youth in the United States.  We must let these children know they are not alone.  We must give them the same opportunities most of us take for granted.  We must not rest until every child is given the opportunity to thrive."

German has discovered a way to use his success, accomplishments and education to build social capital while living his dreams and doing good deeds for his community. The GenWhy Project, created to build awareness of the 1.6 million youth in the U.S. who experience homelessness each year, is a reflection of German's core as a person and how he lives his life.

"In Chicago I met with a group of gay and lesbian street-based young adults at the Center on Halsted," German recalled.  "The room was full of justifiably angry, abused, pessimistic, confused people…most cast out of their homes by families who despise their sexual orientation.  Fortunately the Center provides a safe haven for them to spend time and learn.  These youth have faced an unacceptable amount of adversity which has hindered their abilities to learn basic life skills. Due to this, it has become very difficult for them to acquire and maintain employment, and most importantly, find a safe and supportive environment to call home."

"While I was there, it was incredible to see their eyes light up and voices strengthen as together we discussed how to set goals and take the steps required achieving them.  This was a group who has been conditioned not to trust others but hopefully we were able to show them they are not alone and they are loved unconditionally.  It was a true honor to work with this group. I want to have this happen to other youth around the country to eventually wipeout the tragedy of youth homelessness in this country."  

And for German, it remains personal … especially after his visit home to Chicago last week. He has skills that can be used to help homeless youth cope with their lives and some of the issues that brought them to their state.  He has done this several times in his home base in California.

German continues to call attention to an important issue that affects millions of peoples' lives in a necessary and heartfelt way to help find a solution to help the youth that are left behind, living on our streets and that need our help. He hopes you agree and join him.

How Can You Help?

Like-minded corporations, major media outlets, individuals, organizations and foundations are encouraged to join the GenWhy Project because this generation needs help, needs a voice and needs solutions today. Get the word out, pass it on via Twitter, Facebook, email … any way you can. Go to to make a donation, and get your free copy of Monetize Your Passion.  Rich German's hope is more will get involved in this campaign.

The goal is to bring much needed awareness to the cause, effect and situation around why so many kids become homeless and stay homeless well into their young adulthood. The GenWhy Project is building a community, creating a network of resources and engaging youth in the U.S. to become part of the solution.

Rich German's upcoming documentary film, Generation Why?, will shine light on the young face of homelessness. German is creating the documentary film because youth homelessness may be an invisible problem but it is not an unsolvable one. German and his team are in the process of raising funds to complete the film.  

The film will not only inform and educate all Americans about the issues facing our youth, but it will inspire them to care and ACT.  The influence of the film will be utilized to create strategic alliances with non-profits, corporations, coaches, educators, physicians, athletes, artists, and anyone else interested in contributing the efforts.  For more information on this critical project, go to

About Rich German

Rich German is recognized as one of the most accomplished and admired business and life coaches in the world. Rich is the author of the new book, Monetize Your Passion, which was released in September of 2010. Over 30,000 copies were in circulation after the first month of its release.

Since 1999, Rich has conducted more than 17,000 individual coaching sessions and has led numerous training seminars for thousands of people. He is host of the popular video blog, - "Rich in Life" – at Rich has discovered a way to use  his success, accomplishments and education to build social capital while living his dreams and doing good things for his community.

As a lifestyle coach, Rich has helped thousands cope with the challenges of today's economy and dealing with the reality of someone who has lost a job. Rich German has the skills that can be used to help homeless youth cope with their lives and some of the issues that brought them to their state.  To that end, he visits youth shelters in each of the cities he has on his national book tour sharing his talent.

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The following files are available for download:

wkr0001.pdf Rich German Press Release on Chicago's Youth Homelessness
[Image] NBC Chicago Feature Interview with Author Rich German in Primetime.
[Image] Rich German at The Jane Addams Hull House in Chicago
[Image] Rich German at the Center on Halsted in Chicago
[Image] NBC Chicago airs feature story on Rich German and the GenWhy Project.
[Image] WTMX and the Hubbard Radio Network discuss youth homelessness with Rich German.
[Image] NBC host Marion Brooks interviews Rich German.
[Image] Author and Lifestyle Coach, Rich German

