Hartsfield-Jackson Earns 2011 Global and North American Airport Efficiency Excellence Award

Air Transport Research Society Honors Airport for Ninth Consecutive Year

ATLANTA, June 30, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For the ninth year in a row, the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) has recognized Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport's world leadership in airport efficiency. The Global and North American Airport Efficiency Excellence Award is a reflection of Hartsfield-Jackson's productivity, efficiency and low costs, including the lowest passenger costs for the airlines. Hartsfield-Jackson was also honored with the North American Airport Cost-Competitive Excellence Award.

"I am proud that the ATRS continues to recognize Hartsfield-Jackson as a global leader in efficiency and customer service excellence," Aviation General Manager Louis Miller said. "We will continue to operate a first-class airport that meets the needs of airlines as well as our 250,000 daily passengers."

The awards, based on data compiled by the ATRS Global Airport Benchmarking Task Force, were announced today at the 15thannual ATRS World Conference in Sydney, Australia.

The ATRS is the largest network of aviation academic researchers in the world and is part of the World Conference on Transport Research Society. The nonprofit organization uses cutting-edge research to understand airports' best practices.

A goal is to provide a comprehensive, unbiased assessment and comparison of airport performance based on more than 30 measures in categories such as productivity and efficiency, unit cost competitiveness, aviation user charge levels, financial performance and customer service. The study covered more than 150 airports and airport groups worldwide.

Hartsfield-Jackson earned the ATRS Global Airport Efficiency Excellence Award in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The Airport won the ATRS's North American award in 2005. For more information, go to www.atrsworld.org.

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

Hartsfield-Jackson is the world's busiest airport, serving more than 89 million passengers annually with nonstop service to more than 150 U.S. destinations and nearly 80 international destinations in more than 50 countries. The Airport is a frequent recipient of awards of excellence for concessions, operations, architectural engineering and construction -- including the 2011 Global and North American Airport Efficiency Excellence Award from the Air Transport Research Society (for more information, go to www.atrsworld.org). It is undergoing $6 billion-plus in capital improvements, which include a new, energy-efficient rental car center; a new, 12-gate international terminal; and aesthetic and functional upgrades to its concourses, people movers and parking services. For more information, go to www.atlanta-airport.com. Check out the Airport's YouTube channel by visiting www.youtube.com/AtlantaHartsfield, and become a fan on Facebook.

Katena Carvajales
(404) 382-2319

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[Image] Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport