Early repayment of the floating-rate bond loan of DKK 300m (ISIN code DK0030244074) raised for the period from 2010 to 2013

Early repayment of the floating-rate bond loan of DKK 300m (ISIN code DK0030244074) raised for the period from 2010 to 2013


Based on the positive developments in Max Bank’s cash resources, the Bank's Board of Directors has decided to take the opportunity to repay the bond loan of DKK 300m earlier than expected.


Originally, the bond loan was raised in 2010 under an individual government guarantee as provided under the Danish Act on Financial Stability.


Any questions should be addressed to Henrik Borup Jeppesen, Bank Chief Executive Officer.



Yours faithfully

Max Bank




Henrik Borup Jeppesen

Bank Chief Executive Officer

Phone: +45 59 57 60 00

e-mail: hbj@maxbank.dk



This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event of any inconsistencies the Danish version shall apply.


 Stock Exchange Announcement No. 11/2011
