Boston Welcomes Award-Winning Identity Theft Summit for Law Enforcement

TEMPE, Ariz., Aug. 18, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Javelin Strategy & Research estimated more than 8 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2010 alone, proving that scammers, fraudsters and hackers alike want your personal information and will stop at nothing to steal it. LifeLock is proud to help local law enforcement help protect their communities and reduce victimization of their citizens. Chief Kenneth Berkowitz and the Canton Police Department welcome LifeLock, the industry leader in identity theft protection, and the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (FBI-LEEDA) as they will be presenting a one day summit on identity theft to local law enforcement on August 23, 2011.

Identity theft investigations can be complex with identity thieves constantly searching for new ways to carry out this appalling crime. The participants of this award-winning identity theft summit will be presented with real case information and insight as to how law enforcement can best work to combat the crime, including relevant identity theft laws, the most current information on identity theft trends and hands-on experience with the various tools being utilized by identity thieves.

"Identify theft doesn't discriminate. It can happen to anyone regardless of gender, age, or background. This crime victimizes consumers in a very personal way and they look to their law enforcement for answers," LifeLock Chairman and CEO Todd Davis. "It is imperative that we are arming our front line law enforcement officials with the most up-to date information and tools."

Since the launch of the training seminars in 2008, over 4,000 law enforcement officials representing more than 1,300 agencies across the nation have been reached. LifeLock maintains their responsibility to help combat identity theft by also providing consumers with two free educational programs. The free educational presentations held across the United States include expert speakers informing consumers about identity theft and how they can help protect themselves.

Details for the Identity Theft Summit in Boston, MA:

  • The Boston summit will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 23 at the Radisson Hotel, Carver Ballroom, 200 Stuart Street, Boston, MA 02116

About LifeLock

LifeLock, Inc. is an industry leader in identity theft protection. Since 2005, LifeLock has been relentlessly protecting identities by providing consumers with the tools and confidence they need to help protect themselves from identity theft and manage their credit. The company has a strong focus on educating consumers and working with law enforcement and elected officials to better understand the increasing threats of identity theft. A multiple award-winning organization, LifeLock has been recognized by Inc. Magazine as the eighth fastest growing private company (2010), by Arizona Corporate Excellence as Arizona's Fastest Growing Company, and by the American Business Awards as having the 2011 Costumer Service Team of the Year.

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