Storm8 Scores Direct Hit With Cannon Ball for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch

Exciting Turn-Based Artillery Duel Supports iOS 5 Features

REDWOOD CITY, CA--(Marketwire - Oct 13, 2011) - Storm8, the mobile social gaming leader, today announced its new Cannon Ball App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch is now available on the App Store. Cannon Ball brings the latest artillery action to gamers, taking advantage of the newly released asynchronous turn-based gaming feature of iOS 5.

Cannon Ball takes place on a tropical island where the animals have come out to fight over a mysterious pirate chest. Players can invite their friends to the fray or test their skills against opponents chosen by Game Center. From behind the shelter of a sturdy fort, each player fires three carefully aimed cannon blasts per round, hoping to blow their adversary into oblivion. Newton's law of cannon fire holds sway: for every action there is an equal and opposite retaliation.

"Using the new gaming support in iOS 5, Storm8 developed its first turn-based title in record time," said Storm8 CEO Perry Tam. "Until now, turn-based games were fun to play but hard to build on mobile devices. Apple just changed all that with iOS 5, which gives us more creative options and more ways to connect players than ever before. It's a real catalyst for social mobile game development."

The Cannon Ball App is available for free from the App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, or at

About Storm8, Inc.
Storm8, Inc. is the leading developer of social games for iPhone and Android, with more than 210 million total downloads to date. It offers games under its own brand as well as the brand of TeamLava, a highly innovative studio owned by Storm8. Storm8's network of highly successful games includes iMobsters, World War, Vampires Live, Bakery Story, Restaurant Story, and Fashion Story. Storm8, Inc., is located in Redwood City, California. For more information, please visit and

Storm8, TeamLava and the Storm8 network games are trademarks of Storm8 and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Contact Information:

Mark Karayan
Account Executive
LEWIS PR - Global Communications
575 Market Street, Suite 2550
San Francisco, CA 94105
Twitter: mgkarayan / lewisprus
Tel: +1 415 992 4428
